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Sam Raimi, the director of the Spider-Man trilogy, reacted to the fact that Tobey Maguire's famous dance from the third film became a viral meme, whose popularity on the network still continues to make fun of the actor and the scene itself.

Now it is believed that the cult trilogy of Raimi about the Man-
The spider laid the foundation for the current Golden Age of superhero movies and TV shows.

While promoting his new Marvel movie Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Sam Raimi spoke about the famous scene in an interview with Fandom. The director emphasized that the dance was intended to be funny from the very beginning, and Peter Parker was someone
something like a "lame child" who imagines what it means to be "evil". But Raimi admitted that many viewers did not like the scene. Read his full quote below:

“We wanted it to be a funny scene from the very beginning. It was a peculiar version of Peter Parker himself - a lame child. That was the first time he felt "evil".
But he was still himself. He was so out of his mind that the audience got a new look at him from the outside. Unfortunately, the audience didn't like it. However, this is what we really tried to do. I'm not surprised a lot of people didn't appreciate it... But I'm glad people find it funny because we wanted it to be fun."
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Director Sam Raimi says he wants to make a film based on Stephen King's work, talking about his admiration for one of the most popular and influential horror writers whose stories are regularly used by filmmakers.
During his conversation with CinemaBlend about the return to superheroism in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Sam Raimi spoke about his desire to direct a Stephen King movie. The director stated that he would like to adapt several of the writer's works for the big screen at once, including the cult "The Shining".
He already had plans for the last piece, but he didn't manage to do it, although he still remains open to the possibility of trying something else. Read Raimi's words below:

"Absolutely. I love The Shining, but the book has already been adapted. And I also love Carrie, but it's already been made. There is also his collection "Night Shift". He's great.
So many great stories. I would definitely make a great movie. Director Rob Reiner made a great film ahead of me. But there are many good stories from King. And I would like to take part in them. Maybe in the future we can still work together.”
2 views18:50
2022-05-13 21:49:57 ​​Ewan McGREGOR ON WATCHING STAR WARS AS A CHILD

In his recent interview on The Jimmy Kimmel Show Live promoting the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, actor Ewan McGregor recalled seeing his uncle in the Star Wars franchise when it first hit theaters. According to the actor, he remembers waiting outside his school when he was about five or six years old.
and his parents took him to take him along with his brother to "see a movie" where his "Uncle Dennis" was. McGregor said that he and his brother were very excited to discover that the movie they had planned to see turned out to be Star Wars. According to the actor, the picture "struck on the spot" him and his brother. Read his statement below:
“I remember very well standing next to the school. Then I was five or six years old. I was standing outside the school with my brother, and my mom and dad picked us up. Then they took us to the "big city" so we could watch a movie. We were told that my uncle Dennis played one of the roles in it. And we went. We were very excited
to go and see uncle at the movies. And it was very exciting! And when we sat down in our seats at the cinema, it turned out to be Star Wars. It just blew our minds."
2 views18:49
2022-05-13 21:49:04 ​​MIKE MYERS ON AUSTIN POWERS 4

Mike Myers is offering his fans a cryptic update to Austin Powers 4 without confirming or denying the possibility of a new project. Myers was able to create a spy-comedy franchise that parodies a number of iconic genres, including the James Bond franchise.
The Austin Powers films revolve around a titular British spy embarking on a series of idiosyncratic missions in hopes of stopping a long-time nemesis carried out by Myers himself. The latter constantly threatens the world with a wide variety of weapons for the sake of money.

During his appearance on The Jess Cagle Show on SiriusXM,
While promoting Pentaverat, Mike Myers was asked about the possibility of an Austin Powers 4. The top producer/creator/star of the popular franchise, a little self-consciously, offered a cryptic and ambiguous answer regarding the development of the film. Check out what Myers had to say below:

"Unfortunately, I can neither confirm
nor refute the existence or absence of such a project. Can't tell if it exists or not. So let's say it's an unconfirmed confirmation."
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Spider-Man: No Way Home director Jon Watts is expected to return to his chair. Zendaya and Tom Holland are also expected to join the project.

And while the film's ending leaves the door open for a host of future installments, seeing Peter Parker embrace a new anonymity as he embarks on a solitary career as a superhero,
The future of the iconic franchise is largely in doubt. Holland has repeatedly discussed whether he will return to the role of Spider-Man, saying that he is interested in continuing his character's journey, but in a new and fresh way. He also said that he would like to take a break, making room for new performers,
wanting to try on the Spider-Man costume.

A recent report from Deadline hints that the Sony producers who control the MCU Spider-Man franchise are looking to re-team with Watts, Holland and Zendaya for a new Spider-Man. Their report notes that, unlike the Fantastic Four,
credited to Watts until his departure, the director has not officially left the Spider-Man franchise. While most of the key cast is expected to return for Spider-Man, the report also reveals that the film won't be released anytime soon.
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Eric Goldberg, an animator at Disney Studios, said that Gilbert Gottfried was confident that the Disney musical would fail. Recall that the musical fantasy of 1992, realized by a duet of Ron Clements and John Musker, is a free adaptation of the Arab fairy tale of the same name, which puts a homeless child in the very center,
accidentally stumbles upon a magic lamp with a genie who can grant wishes.

In a recent interview with CinemaBlend, studio animator Eric Goldberg recalled how he collaborated with Gilbert Gottfried on Aladdin. Goldberg spoke about one of his favorite memories with the now deceased comedian,
when they were present at the first viewing of the cartoon. Then Gottfried turned to the animator, stating his concerns about the failure of the project. Read Goldberg's words below:

“I have a lot of memories of him. I really liked him. We often appeared together in public and all that. I think,
that one of my favorite memories is when we sat with him at the first screening of Aladdin. It was at the Museum of Modern Art in Los Angeles. He then said, “Oh no. It will be terrible. There's going to be another bad news release."
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Rosalie Chung, the star of I'm Blushing, shared her excitement about voicing the role of the first Asian central character for Pixar. The animated film from Disney and Pixar follows girl Mei Li as she encounters her puberty version, which includes transforming into a giant red panda,
when she's in a lot of pain. The director of the cartoon, Domi Shi, has earned very high praise, critical acclaim for her work. In addition, she became the first female solo director at Pixar Studios.

Speaking to Seventeen, the actress talked about what it's like to voice the first Asian female protagonist in a Pixar story.
Working for such an elite company is important in itself, Chang said, but the fact that the story is based on Asian experience makes it even better. While acknowledging that this is surreal, she still hopes that the cartoon will open up new possibilities for viewers and future directors who love Asian culture. Read her words:
“It's a huge honor. I feel like I wasn't too taken aback by the fact that I got my first Asian lead role. I'm already struggling with the fact that in the very first place I worked on a studio cartoon. You know, breaking that barrier seems extremely important, because it's not just taking a random character and making her Asian.
Mei's Asian roots play a big role in the cartoon because there is a lot of Asian culture in it, especially Chinese. I really hope people watch this cartoon and see it as an open door to a different culture and family life."
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Marvel actor Frank Grillo will be protecting his family from creepy creatures in his next project, Dagon. The performer is best known for playing the villainous mercenary Crossbones in the popular Marvel Cinematic Universe. His character fought head to head with Captain America, but died in the process of the Lagos disaster.
Variety reports that the actor will return to the horror genre in the upcoming feature film Dagon directed by Brad Anderson. "Our film is tailor-made for his incredible talent and I'm happy to have him on board with us," Anderson said of the actor. Adapting the original screenplay written by Peter Mattei,
Anderson will team up with Grillo to create a peculiar world inhabited by supernatural monsters.

Some details are already known. In Dagon, Grillo will play the role of Jack, a father who lives with his family in the countryside. According to the story, when his eldest daughter comes of age,
he has to face terrifying monsters every night trying to take over the family home.
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Actor Martin Freeman, who played Everett Ross in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, recently discussed making a Black Panther sequel following the death of actor Chadwick Boseman.

Freeman spoke to Collider to discuss his own role in the new film. He stated that filming without Chadwick Boseman was "weird".
However, he has faith in director Ryan Coogler and the rest of his production team. He also said that his time on set was short and that he was "quick in and out of character". Check out Freeman's full quote below:

“It was pretty weird. On the one hand, you create a film for the audience,
and dozens of people on set are actively joining the collaborative effort to create the picture. But at the same time, there is no doubt that a huge gap has now appeared at the heart of all this. It's impossible to ignore. While I have a lot of respect for Ryan Coogler and everyone else who tries to make it right,
to make it a lot of fun. And it really was nice. I think I moved in and out of the role and process fairly quickly. But I really enjoy playing Everett Ross. He's a pretty interesting character. He clearly sympathizes with the whole story. And he's a great guy."
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Fantastic Beasts actress Katherine Waterston recently joined the cast of a new paramedic thriller called Black Flies. Earlier, Sean Penn signed up for the project. To viewers, Waterston is well known for her role as Tina Goldstein in the popular Fantastic Beasts franchise.
and also in the image of Emma Harrow from the cult TV series Boardwalk Empire.

Deadline has reported that Waterston will star alongside Penn in Black Flies, a thriller about how intense work can affect the lives of paramedics. Sean Penn will play Gene Rutkowski, a paramedic
considered one of the best specialists in New York. Tye Sheridan will play Ollie Cross, a young paramedic with a good heart and a strong ambition to go to medical school to help people. How the role of Waterston will intersect with the role of Sheridan and Penn is currently unknown.
however, the full quote from producer Warren Goza can be read below:

“You know, we are very excited to have Katherine on board our film. We will tell a true story about how the work of a real lifeguard affects your personal life. Let me tell you that we have assembled a great cast of the best performers from all over the world to tell this important story.
Katherine's amazing work and experience make her the perfect fit for our project.
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