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Sheidlina Art&NFT

Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT S
Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT
Адрес канала: @sheidlina
Категории: Криптовалюты , NFT
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.51K
Описание канала:

Ellen Sheidlin:
Channel that unites people who are interested in and aim to become a part of the Web3 world. Every day is a step towards digital art, crypto technology and NFT. Let's walk this path together.

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Последние сообщения 19

2022-10-29 12:56:17
Look of the day: how did
it all begin?

It all started in Dubai. I then made the most bright coloring, which was too bright even for me.

Bright hair obliges and pulls the whole image under itself. If you dyed your hair pink, then the whole style and image should be in harmony with the shade of hair - either dress in light pastel and be some kind of airy cloud, or vice versa black monochrome so that the pink color stands out as a bright spot and attracts attention.

Dubai, as you know, has its own censorship of clothes. Muslim country, its customs and culture. Tops and open outfits are blacklisted. Naturally, the question arises of how to choose outfits that are not flashy, but interesting. Ramadan also began here, this is the month when clothes are maximally strict - closed sleeves, floor-length skirts.

These rules inspired in me the desire to express myself through coloring. I had short colored hair. I called this coloring like this: "If Ellen can't go to Tokyo, then Tokyo will be on her head."

In my suitcase there were “pieces” of clothes that I brought from Sri Lanka, and they had to be combined somehow, and there was no full-length mirror in my room. In the process of trying on, I began to put the phone on the table to see myself in full growth and how it basically looks. And one day I decided to record stories with my collections. This prompted me to create more extravagant and unusual looks. Out of 10 things, I got like 50! I turned them inside out, combined colors and textures, picked up unusual combinations and began to publish these videos on social networks.

The look of the day videos brought me a rather big fan base, many subscribed because they just liked the way I dress, and, of course, I received a lot of compliments from men.

Some people like how someone gets naked, and some people like how someone dresses, and it's a thrill!

189 views09:56
2022-10-28 20:20:26 The term "Hashmask"

Hashmask is an art form
usually created by several
artists in collaboration.

When buying it, you can choose
the name yourself, which is unusual
for NFT and adds additional value to the token.

192 viewsedited  17:20
2022-10-28 11:21:10
Artistic provocation, or Mirror box

Milo Moire is a provocative model and famous artist from Switzerland. Her performance "Mirror Box" of the year was once an act of protest against the infringement of women's rights.

The essence of the provocative performance was as follows: the artist put on mirrored boxes with holes instead of a top and a skirt, and then, using a loudspeaker, invited passers-by to put their hand into the box and touch her breasts or vagina for 30 seconds. It is noteworthy that not only men, but also women, often elderly, gladly agreed to take part in the performance. The performance was intended to show the consensual nature of sexual acts and intimacy.

“I am here today for women's rights and their sexual self-determination. Women have sexuality just like men do. However, women themselves decide when they want contact with men and when they don’t,” Muare said.

The performance was held in
several European cities, including Amsterdam and Dusseldorf. However, in London, the performance failed, passers-by called the police, and Milo Muare was fined.

I believe that such an open act
of protest is a big step towards protecting the rights of women from sexual violence. Just words do not work, and such actions attract a lot of public attention to the problem.

Do you think such performances benefit modern society?

236 views08:21
2022-10-27 20:11:22
Digital surrealism or paintings
by Canadian artist
Ray Caesar

The artist depicts young ladies, sensual women and innocent girls in chic 18th century outfits. White skin, beautiful clothes and cute features are combined in a striking way with morbidity and inhuman limbs from pseudo-reality. The very plot of his paintings is a real life, joy, sadness, dreams or just a children's fairy tale, but certainly with a surreal bias.

Spectators have repeatedly noted that the general appearance of the paintings is frightening, they seem to come alive with a terrible dream.

What are your feelings?

262 views17:11
2022-10-27 11:15:45
How to understand what an
idea ready to be born

A logical, not a heartfelt definition
of how good an idea is. And
where are its weaknesses.

If you don’t understand what’s the matter, you’re not sure that it’s good enough, but your heart doesn’t tell you. Then most likely you need to make friends with the idea more and this method of the point system will help bring your fantasies to a more understandable level.

Present an idea and respond
to your own questions:

• How complete and clear is the idea? (0-20 points)
• How interested were you in this idea? (0-20 points)
•What are its market prospects, in your opinion? (0-20 points)
•Is the time right? (0-5 points)
•Will my competence be enough to implement this idea? (0-10 points)
•Will this project be a good application of my personal qualities? (0-10 points)
•Is the offer competitive enough?
(0-5 points)
•How original is the idea?
(0-10 points)

This is how you can evaluate
and break new hypotheses with implementation readiness tests.Try!

How much is your idea
ready to be born?
280 views08:15
2022-10-26 19:03:56 How to pass this evening?
Study with me!

The term "Gas"

Gas is the term for the fees that most NFT trading platforms charge. It is necessary to conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the blockchain platform.

Typically, gas fees for NFTs are
similar to the fees you pay for buying cryptocurrencies. However, NFT minting takes a little longer, depending on the blockchain. For example, the gas fee in Ethereum is expensive, while in the Polygon blockchain it is several times less.

What term do you mean
would like to know next time?

252 views16:03
2022-10-26 12:33:58
Japan resonated with me

I felt the support in this country.
I was sure that my artistic style would be understood and I would be given the opportunity to realize and discover myself completely.

I hoped that collectors and the gallery would become support.

But the choice of the gallery had to be approached consciously. History, style, the works that they choose for exhibitions are important. The artist must understand whether your work fits the style of gallery exhibitions, whether it correlates with space and mood.

Now I understand it, then - no.
I focused on only one point - I looked at the work of the gallery and set myself the goal - to draw 16 paintings for the exhibition.

It took me a year to prepare. I drew every day. In parallel, I set myself the goal of learning new things, for example, to study the anatomy of the back or the technique of depicting a flower.

These paintings are not only a transformation in the image, they are a transformation of me as an artist. In them, I integrated everything I wanted to learn and what I learned in the process.

The concept of the exhibition was at the intersection of virtuality and reality. Photographs were exhibited in the first room. The second room was with paintings, and between the rooms there were sculptures - watermelon animals.

When I was thinking about this exhibition, I wanted people to take off their masks and come out of reality from the Internet, but it turned out the other way around. They put them on. The exhibition took place during the pandemic.

My expectations as an artist to implement my idea and bring it to the long-awaited result were justified. However, financially it is all unprofitable for the artist. Sending works from Russia to Japan, a commission to the exhibition gallery, the absence of sponsors at that time...

As I said, in Japan at the exhibition, not a single work was sold. I got nothing but the most important thing.

Self-confidence, my strengths
and understanding that


270 views09:33
2022-10-11 19:39:02
I think every artist's
greatest fear is...
127 viewsedited  16:39
2022-10-11 13:58:51
What does it mean to be a
"modern" artist today?
To be a modern artist today means more than just keeping up with the latest news, ideas and positions, it means more than keeping up with the times, more than increasingly active instantaneous global communication, the ability to travel through time and space, immersion in a rich medium of images and a quantitative increase in general knowledge about the world. To live today is also to be sensitive to the wild experiments of most systems of government, to always consider the gap between the rich, the less fortunate and the poor, to accept the difference of worldview systems of peoples even within one Russia, and to proceed from the obvious fact that the modern era's contract with the planet has exhausted its possibilities and we vitally need a new one.
Artists in these difficult times are forced to respond to the war in Ukraine and join the global effort to create a society of peace, equality and tolerance, to creatively experience and understand the upheavals of global capitalism (and in my opinion we owe this tragedy above all to capital, which divides zones of influence, money and territory), we all still need to comprehend the revival of pervasive fundamentalism and of course the consequences of climate change.
Today, dealing with public space, representing the world and communicating universally are the most necessary artistic means, as these constitute the very essence of modern existence. Increasingly, these concerns take precedence over residual distinctions based on style, mode, medium and ideology.
Just accept the most important thing - the modern artist is not the one who draws, the artist is the one who shapes reality.
169 viewsedited  10:58
2022-10-10 15:20:09 The term: "Crypto Art"
Crypto art is digital art that is treated as physical one because of the ability to prove ownership of an NFT work.
Just as the authenticity of an original painting signed by Picasso can be verified, so crypto art can be verified in the same way, using NFT or a non-interchangeable token.
Give reactions, if it was helpful.

208 views12:20