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Sheidlina Art&NFT

Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT S
Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT
Адрес канала: @sheidlina
Категории: Криптовалюты , NFT
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.51K
Описание канала:

Ellen Sheidlin:
Channel that unites people who are interested in and aim to become a part of the Web3 world. Every day is a step towards digital art, crypto technology and NFT. Let's walk this path together.

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Последние сообщения 17

2022-11-14 17:44:05 Term "Shill"

A shilling is when a person or group of people promotes a particular NFT project to generate interest to him.

The purpose of the shilling is to create a buzz that generates public interest and ultimately leads to mass purchases. The higher the consumer demand, the higher the price of NFTs.

By the way, I have here
who did something like this?

188 views14:44
2022-11-14 13:49:19
Your own virtual gallery

It is not always possible to visit an art gallery to see the work of an artist. So how do you get your art to be seen? In today's world, it is very important for an artist to have their own virtual gallery - their own personal website.

It is the artist's number one tool to reach more people and attract more fans, followers and potential buyers.

How to organize your website?

•Choose the best works

First of all, decide on a selection of works that you want to present on the future site. It makes no sense to lay out everything in a row - show only the best that you have.

•Memorable Domain name

If you want to develop your personal brand, then I advise you to register a family domain. So you turn the domain into a real business card!

•Create a website

There can be many options, so now there is a huge number of designers.

•Tell about yourself

First of all, tell us in a separate section about yourself: about education, creative path, the main motives for creativity. If you have already participated in major exhibitions and have awards, be sure to mention this and do not forget to leave links to your social networks.

• Artistic manifesto

Your motives as a creator speak for you when there is no way to have a direct conversation. The manifesto must always be written in the first person, it is different from the biography.

•Gallery of works

The focus should be on your work. Try to make site navigation as simple and clear as possible by showing each series of works separately. For example, divide drawings by subject, genre, or year of creation.

•Works for sale

You can publish not only images of the works that you want to sell, but you need to clearly indicate what you can buy and what you can’t.

•Contact Information

You can't sell anything if you can't be found. Make sure your contact information is up to date and easily accessible on the site.
199 views10:49
2022-11-13 21:05:58
The image for the exhibition was also designed according to a sketch agreed in advance with the clothing designer, with several fittings, we managed to create this dress in 3 days! How do you like the image?
199 views18:05
2022-11-13 21:03:40
Art in space gallery with a 360 degree panoramic screen with smells and smoke, my animation was shown there, which lasts for 8 minutes and includes 20 thousand frames! The music was also written specifically for this work.

It is difficult not to be inside to convey the fullness of the experience experienced by the guests of the exhibition, but still, what did you feel when you watched this video?
217 viewsedited  18:03
2022-11-06 20:39:42
The works of artist James Jean
have been one of the most inspiring for over 7 years, perhaps the most important puzzle in shaping my style/artistic language I took thanks to him. This is probably something absolutely incredible, but we made the publication of this video together as we are creative friends and I hope very soon we will be able to work on something together in real life.
119 views17:39
2022-11-06 16:27:39
Before and after.
How do you like it more?
166 views13:27
2022-11-06 12:40:22
How to find the right gallery
to the artist?

If you get to the gallery, but it does not suit you, you will lose time, effort and your investment. Here are a few things to do before negotiating with a gallery for an exhibition:

•Check the site

Any gallery you're going to collaborate with needs to have a strong online presence. This means they should have a calendar of events, artist bios and portfolios, photos of the current interior, and social media buttons added. You should be able to see that they are easy to contact.

•Gallery view

Is it light or dim? Is it clean and spacious or does it look cluttered and unkempt? Is there free space between objects? You need your visitors to be less distracted. People come to see your work.

•Do they sell anything else?

If your work is exhibited, for example, in a furniture gallery, you should understand that most people come there to buy a chest of drawers, but not a picture. There is nothing wrong with exhibiting work in such combined galleries, but it can also affect the size of the commission.

• What kind of work is being sold?

If you specialize in, say, surrealistic portraiture, then a gallery that exhibits only graphics will not be interested in your portfolio. Don't even try to persuade them. They know what they need.

•What is their price range?

If the value of the works exhibited in the gallery exceeds $15,000,
and you have not sold anything before, look again. These works are sold at this price because they are created by famous artists. Look for a gallery that sells art at a price close to you.

•Negotiations with the gallery

They seem to be something scary, but in reality they are scary only as far as your imagination is developed. Gallery owners are more likely to take on an enthusiastic, enterprising artist than one who is unsure of himself. Try to stay calm, everything will work out.

234 views09:40
2022-11-05 13:07:57
As a follow up to Digital clothing,
I decided to experiment and add virtual looks instead of real ones to my photos. First sketches in collaboration with designer Kreamon
252 views10:07
2022-11-05 08:30:40
Why do we need DIGITAL clothes
if we will never wear them in reality?

Are you willing to pay a hundred or even a thousand dollars for clothes that you can never wear in reality? Quite real money for things that exist exclusively in the virtual world.

This thing does not fulfill its main purpose, does not protect from cold or heat. You can't touch it and feel it on your body, it's useless in the real world.

What is the point anyway
virtual clothing?

•Environmental friendliness

This is the first and one of the most important. Our planet has been struggling with overproduction and overconsumption for many years. It's no secret that major clothing brands can't cope with the disposal of unsold collections, and the pace of production in the world is declining slightly.

•Virtual clothes like
way of self-expression

Clothing has long ceased to be just a way to cover your body. The right image helps to make the right impression on people and achieve your goal. We actively demonstrate our life on social networks and cannot resist posting a new look.

Therefore, for many, clothing has become a way to convey a certain message to the audience, and the possibilities of virtual clothing make it possible to do this in the best possible way. After all, it is exclusive and has unlimited possibilities for customization.

• Profitable investments

Even with a small budget, you can buy designer clothes from well-known brands, which in reality would cost a fortune. Already, Gucci and Louis Vuitton have begun selling virtual handbags and digital avatar accessories that cost between $1 and $9.

And virtual clothes in the NFT format are of particular value and are a good investment, on the resale of which you can earn a big profit.

It is already clear that the digital clothing trend is long-term, and very soon it will completely blow up the market. And for us it will already be customary to buy and try on virtual looks on a daily basis.
286 views05:30
2022-11-04 12:38:38
Surreal illustrations
by artist
Jiayue Li

The artist's illustrations focus primarily on the human body,
usually depicting faces and hands that create eccentric compositions, combining nature with humanity.

Among her works, one can find hybrid and fused faces that can only be seen in a dream. These faces become a subconscious commentary on the multifaceted nature of femininity. Her subjects are often inexpressive, but bursts of rich, vibrant colors can evoke strong, intense emotions.

The textures of each stroke also add a touch of roughness to an otherwise soft and rounded object, further highlighting the complexity of her work. We always want to become something that we are not or cannot be. Maybe in our dreams we can be anyone, at least for a little while.

How do you like these
works of the artist?

258 views09:38