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Sheidlina Art&NFT

Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT S
Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT
Адрес канала: @sheidlina
Категории: Криптовалюты , NFT
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.51K
Описание канала:

Ellen Sheidlin:
Channel that unites people who are interested in and aim to become a part of the Web3 world. Every day is a step towards digital art, crypto technology and NFT. Let's walk this path together.

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Последние сообщения 11

2022-12-20 20:04:33 A warm and wonderful meeting with my new friend Eve from Seoul, an incredible artist-sculptor from whom I bought a work, brought me incredibly powerful inspiration, and she seems to have new ideas for creative searches. Eve wrote a short essay about our meeting in English and I want to share the translation of this publication.

“This day was one of the most magical days of my life. On her last day in Korea, Ellen honored me with a visit to my studio. The day before, Ellen bought a piece of work from me, a ceramic cat we named Lapka, after Ellen's own cat.

I offered Ellen some tea and we chatted for a bit. When asked what she wants to do, Ellen answered "creativity." When I suggested making cups or bowls, simple jobs that took one or two hours, she replied that there could be no simple jobs, for her simple work was akin to giving her hungry inner child a tiny piece of bread.

Ellen hasn't had a studio in a long time. For the past six months, she has wandered the world, almost unable to create. She is deeply sad that her works - her children - are scattered around the world.

Ellen and her husband Evgeny are Russians. While they love their country, they are stunned that its leaders have aimed their guns at impoverished Ukraine. They are in exile and cannot return to their hometown because they cannot work in a country occupying their neighbors. She cries when she tells me she misses those simple days when she worked in her Petersburg studio with her cat by her side.

I asked her if she was considering renting an Airbnb with a studio to work in. But these days, Russians can't find housing in their own name, and visas aren't easy to get, her husband explained. Credit cards and bank accounts are frozen and they are barely surviving in exile with the help of their acquaintances.

There was no time to waste. I quickly prepared a sketchbook and a pencil. With a beaming face, Ellen began to sharpen her pencil. After a while, she said that she wanted to do her job, like in Russia, with a cat by her side. We quickly moved the ceramic cat Lapka next to her.

Ellen stayed from 3:00 pm until midnight. She finished her sketches and clay work. Even though it must have been such an exhausting schedule before she left, she left my studio with a happy and easy step. I hope that Ellen can return to her hometown soon and I wish she is always happy with her loving family and cat. My heartfelt love and deepest respect for you, Ellen and Eugene."
97 views17:04
2022-12-20 10:19:28
Bought the work of a young Korean artist Eve Suh (@evesuh).
I am incredibly happy that I have this creature. And although I have nowhere to put it now, I will send it to America, where my friend will keep it.

(Price $2500; Ceramics)
128 views07:19
2022-12-19 21:53:55
The New Year is about making a wish list, I have already made my own, and I am sharing it with you!

•Visit Japan
•Visit the Art Residence
•Paint the wall
• Learn to work with stained glass
•Build a workshop
•Bring a foot
•Find your home
•Paint the plane
•Woodburning, back to basics
• Rocking chair horse,
where i will draw sketches
•To hold an exhibition with a video, where I will show my film
•Bring parents to a new home
•Illustrate the book,
Do not be scared
•Exhibit at the Frieze Art Fair
•Visit Art Basel Miami Beach
other Art Fair around the world
• Enter the Art Academy for contemporary art
•Learn to dive professionally
• Get to the hotel with giraffes
•Take a course on graphics in Japan or Korea
•Draw a picture by learning
from James Jean
•Visit Mexico
•Build a tree house
•Create a collection of clothes/accessories with a famous brand
118 views18:53
2022-12-19 14:07:13
New year for me
most favorite holiday

Little Helen up to 10 years old,
was spoiled for surprises. My parents put gifts under the dress of Christmas tree branches for 7 days before Christmas. Lenochka grew up, but she didn’t stop loving to receive gifts.

I give myself moments with my family, go to theaters, draw with friends, snowboard, go to New Year's fairs, round dances and tear hair off Father Frost's beards, making wishes from "home deer" to "find a quatrefoil".

Collecting New Year's toys from all over the world, no less a strong contribution to your favorite holiday, it's reduced works of art and decorating a Christmas tree, it's like doing an exhibition, with friends brought on a tour.

An important ingredient of turmoil is not to forget to take stock, make a wish list, write down words of gratitude and understand how much you want to grow.

Now we are not in St. Petersburg, there is nothing from the past, but there is still something sharp to wrap oneself around. What do you do if you don't have a home? Notice the beauty around and feel everything as your home.

I counted how many times I packed my suitcase this year, it turned out 28 times, just like my age. This year, the last suitcase was packed and taken to Thailand — this is where I will celebrate the New Year.

I will look at those Christmas trees that are already decorated on the streets and in stores. New Year at +30, the usual entertainment. If you want snow, you can always build a snowman in the freezer.

And of course, my favorite number is 23, a favorite number that often winks on the streets. I won’t live until 2323, but this year I’ll come off in full. 2023 - I declare completely mine!

For the first time I am waiting for the new year, for the first time I am waiting for moving to a new home in another country, a new chapter in its full sense. I will immediately enter 2 Academies - in Korea and America. I will not stop creating, but stop being sad. And the rest of the heart will tell!
122 views11:07
2022-12-18 20:13:51
1,200 students poisoned hours
before protests

Just hours before more protests were due to begin in the Islamic Republic, more than 1,200 Iranian university students came down with food poisoning.

Officials claimed waterborne bacteria was the culprit. But the students' union claimed that the students were deliberately poisoned in order to stop the upcoming three-day strike.

But all this is far from the first mass protests in Iran. It all started a few months ago, after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was detained by the Iranian vice police for violating the rules of wearing the hijab. Witnesses to the arrest claim that the police beat her, after which she fell into a coma. Mahsa died in the hospital a few days later.

Police say the young woman died due to sudden cardiac arrest and that there was no beating. But this did not convince the public, but, on the contrary, provoked an unprecedented wave of rage.

There have never been such large-scale women's protests as now in Iran. Some women, as a sign of solidarity, began to take off their hijabs and cut their hair while shouting "Woman, life, freedom."

Schoolgirls also took part in the actions, taking off their hats not only inside schools, but also on the streets. Men and teenage boys also joined the protests in many cities, expressing their full support for the demands of their compatriots.

Since then, protests have spread across the country. People take to the streets en masse with a variety of demands: from greater freedoms for women to the overthrow of the government.

I would like to express solidarity with all the women of Iran and support them in this difficult situation.
160 views17:13
2022-12-18 13:16:01
TIME Magazine Names Iranian Women 'Heroes of the Year'

Iranian women are leading protests in Iran that began after an Iranian-Kurdish woman was beaten to death for wearing a "wrong" headdress by the vice police.
160 views10:16
2022-12-17 21:30:20
440 pairs of shoes

An art object "İsimsiz" dedicated to victims of domestic violence has appeared in Istanbul. Artist Vahit Tuna pinned 440 pairs of shoes to the walls, the number of Turkish women killed by men in a year, according to a local organization.

“We failed to protect the women who died, they disappeared. The shoes remind us that we cannot protect the women of the world and pay attention to a global problem,” the artist said.

The place for the project was chosen so that cars passing by could not help but pay attention to the installation. Thus, the work of Vahit Tun is seen by thousands of people every day.
191 views18:30
2022-12-17 12:19:16
Trying new experiments with AI

How interesting it is to look at your photos somehow in a new way. To get acquainted with plots unknown to you before, where you can meet not only a clearing with small dinosaurs, but also find yourself in a suitcase with a man you do not know.

In the course of my little experiment, I decided to see what happens with my photos under the influence of the neural network. Using five old photographs, the neural network generated completely new details for me to the previously familiar images.

The possibilities of AI are now truly amazing. In just a short period of time, you can look at any picture from your collection in a completely different way.
215 views09:19
2022-12-15 20:10:22
Color transformation
Yoko d'Holbachie

Japanese artist Yoko d'Holbachi paints portraits of the cutest Martian creatures or colorful glitches that look like a cross between scary Indian deities, big-headed, big-eyed cartoon characters, huge insects, and good-natured monsters. Cute and creepy freaks in the style of psychedelic surrealism.

94 views17:10
2022-12-15 15:39:40
Hammer Art: selling features
and buying at auction

In theory, anyone can buy a piece of art they like at auction, but in reality, the work of auction houses raises many questions and is covered with a certain amount of mystery.

Let's figure it out:

In total, there are two systems for conducting auctions - the Dutch auction and the English one. The essence of Dutch is that during the auction, the maximum price for the goods sold is first announced, and then the rates are reduced to the price that the buyer agrees to pay.

English auction - the most common type of auction. It starts at the lowest price, and buyers take turns placing bids.

The price range indicated in the description of the lot in the catalog is denoted by the word "estimate".It means the average market value of a particular work.

The price consists of the condition of the lot and its uniqueness. The cost of the author's works in galleries and the result of past sales are taken into account. If a rare work is put up for auction, the estimate will be noticeably higher.

You can participate in the auction in several ways: in person or through a representative. If you already know exactly what you want to buy. You can leave a reserve before the start of trading, that is, apply for a certain rate.

The most common way to participate in an auction is to bid on the floor. The lively atmosphere brings its share of excitement. You can also bid over the phone and online, but you will need to provide proof of solvency upon registration.

Also, don't forget about commissions. The auction house commission ranges from 7 to 25%, and in some cases, royalties are provided to the artist.

Payment for the won lot is made either on the spot or within a week after the end of the auction.

Many collectors prefer to buy art by participating in the auction, because during the auction the value is open, and the results will be published, which is a definite plus and can help in resale.

105 viewsedited  12:39