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TON NFT | Animals Red List ENG

Логотип телеграм канала @nft_redlist — TON NFT | Animals Red List ENG T
Логотип телеграм канала @nft_redlist — TON NFT | Animals Red List ENG
Адрес канала: @nft_redlist
Категории: Криптовалюты , Лингвистика , NFT
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 11.24K
Описание канала:

The first NFT project associated with Telegram channels
TON Animals Red List is the first NFT project on the TON platform, synchronized with Telegram, and also rewards NFT holders with TONCOIN
Contact: @romanovsv

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Последние сообщения 14

2022-04-27 21:48:19 Mint will take place on April 28, at 11:00 UTC

Friends, our project is the first to go to Disintar, with so many NFTs — 13,333 in all.

And we are prepared for all the foreseen and unforeseen problems, attacks, and overloads. We have long placed great emphasis on technical preparation of the mint.

Sure, there are scenarios where things don't go smoothly, and we always have an elegant plan "B".

If massive problems with access to the marketplace and NFT purchases arise, we'll provide an opportunity to purchase through a pre-sale bot.

Technically, it will be the same pre-sale you are familiar with, but without any restrictions on the number of NFTs you can buy. We are sure that many people can be satisfied, and even happy, with this alternative.

Cons: random — you can not choose a specific animal, only tier.
Pros: quick, easy, familiar.

This option will only come into play if the marketplace can not withstand the traffic
Then we will report specific conditions and differences from mint, everything will be quite simple and straightforward

A critical point: you will be charged 1 TON more (51, 151, 1251 TON respectively) when you buy NFTs. The "extra" TON is necessary to transfer the rights to the purchased NFTs to you, and will be returned to your wallet along with the purchase.
2.4K views18:48
2022-04-27 15:01:23The Vancouver Groundhog's paw.

Friends, our Vancouver Groundhog is already a legend in our chats and an internal meme of our team. If you look closely at his "picture card," you'll notice a blue paw in the lower right corner, next to his medal.

On yesterday's broadcast, we talked about how the "paws" will be used to signify the rarity within Tiers. These cute little icons will be differentiated by color:

- silver - common
- blue - rare
- blue - mythical
- purple - epic
- orange - legendary

The paw of our favorite groundhog is blue. This means that it falls into the category of
"mythical" in Tier 1.

Tomorrow, during the mint, you will be able to observe the paws of all NFT collection Animals Red List, and maybe use this information in choosing your favorites.

By the way, friends, you will get the most detailed step-by-step, and even with illustration instructions on how to use Disintar platform, in a couple of hours. We recommend reading it and registering on the marketplace in advance!
3.1K views12:01
2022-04-27 14:21:05Specific and Gorgeous

Friends, all of you remember that we have launched a donation raise on our Animals Red List and Mammals | Animals Red List channels. Holders of our NFT will especially enjoy it. With the help of collected funds, we will not only support our little brothers from the International Red List, but the owners of NFTs will receive their own passive income

As a reminder, the funds raised will be distributed as follows:
50% will benefit NFT ARL holders,
25% - to animal rescue funds, and
25% - for the development of the project itself.

And, so, in just two weeks, $4,759 was raised! Can you imagine what we can do together in just a couple of months? And in a year?

Interestingly, a post about the inhabitants of the oceans collected a significant amount of $819. And 50% will be distributed specifically to NFT owners with images of sea creatures of all stripes.

And that's just today's news! Even more curious, specific, and gorgeous facts, figures, and above all, action, awaits you after the mint.
2.9K views11:21
2022-04-26 20:29:04
Disintar is starting to play big

The marketplace is posting large and visible TON NFT collections, with a wide audience. As the number of mints grows, so does the number of users of the marketplace. This puts our rocket on an exponential trajectory

Sales volumes are constantly growing, and we're seeing the total value of NFTs sold with Disintar.io to already crossed the $1 million mark!

With a great responsibility we feel the growing trust to the marketplace from a huge market, and a great community!

Ready to further uphold the title of TON NFT-marketplace #1
4.1K views17:29
2022-04-26 20:29:03 Our main marketplace partner @disintar_eng
3.7K views17:29
2022-04-26 16:49:35 Let's start by signing up for Disintar.io

Luckily, there are lots of us, and any service we arrive at can "lay down.”
Since Disintar is in beta right now, please be as sympathetic as possible, but get ready.

Do it right away, so you don't waste time registering after the mint, and get to the beasts before everyone else, at the very best prices

1. Go to Disintar.io, at the top button, SIGN IN.
Press SIGN IN, see the details of the site to send toncoin.
Leave the window open, for copying.

2. Go to Tonkeeper, select "send.”
Insert the address from the site, in the "message" line put "comment" from the site.
Send exactly 0.001 toncoin.

3. Go back to Disintar, click on "I've sent money, check.”
When the transaction is finished, you will log in on the site.

In the settings section of the site, after logging in, you can link the Disintar account to your telegram account.

Yay, you're ready for the mint, and ahead of the curve!

PS: Especially for newcomers to the cryptoworld, quite many of them are in our community, later we will post more detailed instructions on how to register and use Disintar.
3.9K views13:49
2022-04-26 10:48:21
We're ready for a mint on the Disintar.io marketplace

Well, isn’t that awesome news!

The major decision, preceded by more than 16 hours of online conferences with potential partners, has been made

Terms that meet fully with the interests of the community, along with the technological demands of the TON ARL NFT project for the mint, will be fulfilled and taken into account.
Our mint, the beginning of sales, and the further life of the collection, will appear and run in the way we see it, as we planned, and that is really gratifying!

We are impressed with the openness and friendliness of the Disintar Marketplace team, their willingness to accommodate the key interests of the ARL NFT community and the big plans that follow, some of which are still a secret.

Mint will take place on April 28 on the Disintar.io Marketplace
3.9K views07:48
2022-04-25 14:07:01Strategic partnerships with Chinese and Korean audiences announced

We have constantly planned to reach a wider international market, beyond marketing in Russian, English and Persian.
The promotion of TON NFT ARL is ongoing!

Plenty of wealthy investors participate in the TON community. Especially a lot of them in foreign markets.
"Whales" willing to invest in TON projects on Telegram are indeed plentiful.
Not a few of them in the English-speaking, Chinese, Korean audiences.

Hundreds of thousands of adherents in East Asia are following the development of the TON ecosystem in Telegram, and have yet to see news about the launch of the NFT market on the official TON Foundation channels. That's a huge potential capital, and, in fact, unlimited possibilities for any TON collection.

Actually, that's why we are launching channels in Chinese and Korean. This allows us to start an active marketing campaign to new audiences.
We already have agreements, and a planned interaction, with the owners of large sites with a solvent target audience. This work is already under way.

What is crucial though, is we have not planned any pre-sales or white lists for this part of our foreign audience, so all the traffic "from the East,” that we organize, will be spent on the primary market mint and on the secondary market of the NFT ARL belonging to you.
Can you feel our overall strength and, thus, your advantage?
1.5K views11:07
2022-04-24 16:40:11For the secondary market to commence on the mint, what needs to happen?
Will NFT holders from the white list and pre-sales sell everything from the marketplace?

Let's say at the front that this is not our project's story, due to a number of fundamental differences from most NFT collections.

An underlying theme in cryptocurrency projects is the HOLD philosophy, keep that in mind.
NFT is generally no exception in this regard, especially for projects with a future after mint. Understanding news and development going a long way to increase recognition, reach a larger audience and partner development.

We've already hinted extremely transparently that the project's journey doesn't end after a mint. And we think that most thoughtful holders would be willing to hold on to their assets. This would be the most forward-thinking approach.

Mint is always the beginning, it's the primary market.
It's the entry point for the vast majority.
We don't think most holders will feel like jumping out of the first car, as the train is just starting the journey.

We prepared some great news on the project to release after the mint, and it has to do with big partnerships, collaborations, and integrations, among other things.

After the covenant day, the team will be doing everything to make sure the value of NFT ARL only grows, and the prices at the mint will remain "inbound" and profitable for a long time to come

That's why HOLD is the best option
2.3K views13:40