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​The Vancouver Groundhog's paw. Friends, our Vancouver Ground | Crypto NEWS | TON & Telegram

The Vancouver Groundhog's paw.

Friends, our Vancouver Groundhog is already a legend in our chats and an internal meme of our team. If you look closely at his "picture card," you'll notice a blue paw in the lower right corner, next to his medal.

On yesterday's broadcast, we talked about how the "paws" will be used to signify the rarity within Tiers. These cute little icons will be differentiated by color:

- silver - common
- blue - rare
- blue - mythical
- purple - epic
- orange - legendary

The paw of our favorite groundhog is blue. This means that it falls into the category of
"mythical" in Tier 1.

Tomorrow, during the mint, you will be able to observe the paws of all NFT collection Animals Red List, and maybe use this information in choosing your favorites.

By the way, friends, you will get the most detailed step-by-step, and even with illustration instructions on how to use Disintar platform, in a couple of hours. We recommend reading it and registering on the marketplace in advance!