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​Strategic partnerships with Chinese and Korean audiences anno | Crypto NEWS | TON & Telegram

Strategic partnerships with Chinese and Korean audiences announced

We have constantly planned to reach a wider international market, beyond marketing in Russian, English and Persian.
The promotion of TON NFT ARL is ongoing!

Plenty of wealthy investors participate in the TON community. Especially a lot of them in foreign markets.
"Whales" willing to invest in TON projects on Telegram are indeed plentiful.
Not a few of them in the English-speaking, Chinese, Korean audiences.

Hundreds of thousands of adherents in East Asia are following the development of the TON ecosystem in Telegram, and have yet to see news about the launch of the NFT market on the official TON Foundation channels. That's a huge potential capital, and, in fact, unlimited possibilities for any TON collection.

Actually, that's why we are launching channels in Chinese and Korean. This allows us to start an active marketing campaign to new audiences.
We already have agreements, and a planned interaction, with the owners of large sites with a solvent target audience. This work is already under way.

What is crucial though, is we have not planned any pre-sales or white lists for this part of our foreign audience, so all the traffic "from the East,” that we organize, will be spent on the primary market mint and on the secondary market of the NFT ARL belonging to you.
Can you feel our overall strength and, thus, your advantage?