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Where to store your cryptocurrency: the difference between Wallet and TON Space

Since the launch of TON Space, Wallet now offers non-custodial, self-storage for your cryptocurrency. Today, we’ll explain what this means and explore the advantages of both your standard Wallet and TON Space.

Custodial service

Think of this service like a traditional bank – only you and your trusted financial institution, acting as the guarantor of your data security, have access to your funds. Your standard Wallet operates as a custodial service like this, providing these advantages:

Simplicity and convenience. Perfect for quick coin exchanges or sending TON to contacts on Telegram (directly in a chat and without fees).
Security and account recovery. Includes the ability to recover your account in case of access loss, thanks to the securely stored private key.
P2P Market. Easily buy or sell crypto with other Wallet users. Give it a try – it’s easy: market.

Non-custodial service

TON Space, on the other hand, is a non-custodial service – meaning all transactions occur on the blockchain. This approach has its own advantages:

Control. You have complete control over your funds, and you are the sole guarantor of the safety of your seed phrase (but it is possible to make a backup copy).
● TON Ecosystem support. Allows you to manage your collectibles (NFTs), jettons, and exchange them.
Gateway to Web3. Connect to a variety of Web3 services directly through Telegram.

To start using TON Space, activate it in “Settings” and follow the on-screen prompts. Try adding your NFTs right away to TON Space and let us know in the comments what you’d like to see in future updates

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