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Wallet: Where to start? Your Wallet in Telegram is a quick an | Wallet News

Wallet: Where to start?

Your Wallet in Telegram is a quick and convenient way to get involved with cryptocurrency. With it, you can buy and sell crypto, exchange one coin for another, send TON to other Telegram users with no fees, and more! To help you get you started, we’ve collected all the most important guides in one place:

Looking to get started? Wallet, where to start and Security measures

Detailed FAQ: Here

Buying, selling or exchanging cryptocurrency in Wallet:

Buy crypto with a bank card
Sell crypto
Exchange crypto

What is the P2P Market?

P2P Market, where to start and P2P Market rules
P2P: General safety measures
Buy on the P2P Market
Sell on the P2P Market

Additional information:

How to spot scammers?
Fees, rates and limits
What is TON Space?

As you start using Wallet, you’ll quickly find that the process of buying and selling crypto is easy and straightforward. If you have any questions, join our community chat – we’re always happy to help!

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