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️ TODAY'S MYSTERY BOXES SALE Hey-hey-hey, Iguanas! Br | IguVerse


Hey-hey-hey, Iguanas!

Brace yourself for a Unique Sale. Today at 17:00 UTC, you'll be able to buy up to 10 Mystery Boxes — each is a guaranteed win of a higher Rank NFT.

You just cannot lose! The NFT value will always be no less than the Mystery Box price. You'll be able to receive NFTs with the following Ranks:

an Uncommon Rank NFT with a 70% chance
an Unusual Rank NFT with a 20% chance
a Rare Rank NFT with a 9% chance
a Mystical Rank NFT with a 0.9% chance
a Legendary Rank NFT with a 0.1% chance

Mystery Boxes are priced in $BNB and will cost about $200 at the current rate. You can buy them in the Collection tab of our app on all major mobile platforms. Apple Pay Payments will cost 50% more — if you don't want to overpay and are well-versed in crypto, use the Web Version.


Remember that the new pet collection limit is 30 pets now!

Take advantage of this chance to create an NFT collection that will shower you with rewards!