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️ MYSTERY BOXES SALE IN 2 DAYS On the 18th of December, a | IguVerse


On the 18th of December, at 17:00 UTC,
we'll launch the Mystery Boxes Sale where you'll have a unique chance to win a higher Rank NFT up to the Legendary Rank. Mystical and Legendary Ranks cannot be minted in the app — if you happen to win one, you'll be the owner of an incredibly Rare NFT!

Mystery Boxes will be sold for $BNB and priced at $200. Purchasing a Mystery Box NFT is an instant win — the value of your NFT will always be equal or higher to the Mystery Box price. Here are the probabilities:

an Uncommon Rank NFT with a 70% chance
an Unusual Rank NFT with a 20% chance
a Rare Rank NFT with a 9% chance
a Mystical Rank NFT with a 0.9% chance
a Legendary Rank NFT with a 0.1% chance

You'll be able to buy up to 10 Mystery Boxes per account on all major platforms: be it iOS or Android. Apple Pay Payments are 50% higher, so use the Web Version if you don't want to overpay.


BREAKING. Starting tomorrow, all newly-minted pets will consume significantly less feed for the first seven days. This will make the financial sustainability of our NFTs even more apparent — enjoy profits since the first days.