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️MYSTERY BOXES SALE IN 30 MINUTES Hey, Iguanas! The Gran | IguVerse


Hey, Iguanas!

The Grand Mystery Box Sale is starting in 30 minutes! Grab your BNB and take part in the Sale where you're guaranteed to win!

an Uncommon Rank NFT worth $200 with a 70% chance
an Unusual Rank NFT worth $300 with a 20% chance
a Rare Rank NFT worth $600 with a 9% chance
a Mystical Rank NFT worth $900 with a 0.9% chance
a Legendary Rank NFT worth $3900 with a 0.1% chance

IMPORTANT We decided not to proceed with a Sale on iOS devices, as we don't want to charge you too much. Buy on an Android Device or use the web version instead:

Buy in the Web Version: https://mobile.iguverse.com/download/mystery-boxes
Buy on Android: https://iguverse.com/download/mystery-boxes

To seamlessly log in into the Web Version, open Setting by tapping on the button in the upper left corner, scroll down below and click Web Version.

Mystery Boxes will be priced at $200 and one user will be able to stock up no more than 10 Mystery Boxes.

Hurry up — there're only 2000 Mystery Boxes for sale. Each buyer will have a mint bonus!