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Новые тесты на ImToken 5 quizz Nervos - Cell - Mirana - Laye | Crypto

Новые тесты на ImToken

5 quizz Nervos

- Cell
- Mirana
- Layered architecture
- Force Bridge
- Rollup
- Nervos Layer1,Optimistic Rollup
- Polyjuice
- 2023

6 quizz O3 Swap

- O3 Interchange
- Swap
- Transfer arbitrary assets on the source chain for the network fee of the target chain.
- Solana
- O3
- The trading fee, 80%
- Aggregating multiple DEXs of source chain + target chain

7 quizz WOOFi

- Farm
- Solana
- 7 days
- sPMM
- All the above are OK
- 300 thousands
- All of the Above
- All of the Above
- 0.025%

8 quizz XY Finance

XY Finance's any token one-stop cross-chain swap is called ____。
- X Swap

Which token does XY Finance currently NOT support?
- XY Finance supports all above tokens

Which network does XY Finance currently NOT support?
- Gnosis Chain

How does XY Finance guarantee best cross-chain rates?
- XY Finance aggregates multiple DEXs and bridges

How doese XY Finance work?
- XY Finance helps you bridge and swap any token with the best swap rate

Which role does the XY Token currently NOT play in XY Finance?
- XY Token is a bridge token to ensure users have an instant cross-chain experience

How long does a XY Finance cross-chain transfer take?
- 2 - 10 minutes

Could you set a slippage tolerance on XY Finance?
- Yes

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