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Логотип телеграм канала @mariox3 — Crypto C
Логотип телеграм канала @mariox3 — Crypto
Адрес канала: @mariox3
Категории: Криптовалюты , Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2
Описание канала:

💭 Чат: @mario_chatt
MAR!O - @x3maks
Паблик где публикую кейсы, опыт, знания. Мы команда энтузиастов, охватывающая основные направления в крипте.
Fandom - закрытое сообщество нашей команды и друзей Марио.

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Последние сообщения

2022-06-21 10:50:37
Основной объем я набрал.

Если альта провалится после отскока, возьму еще на 20-25%
1.2K views07:50
2022-06-20 09:49:30 Новые тесты на ImToken

5 quizz Nervos

- Cell
- Mirana
- Layered architecture
- Force Bridge
- Rollup
- Nervos Layer1,Optimistic Rollup
- Polyjuice
- 2023

6 quizz O3 Swap

- O3 Interchange
- Swap
- Transfer arbitrary assets on the source chain for the network fee of the target chain.
- Solana
- O3
- The trading fee, 80%
- Aggregating multiple DEXs of source chain + target chain

7 quizz WOOFi

- Farm
- Solana
- 7 days
- sPMM
- All the above are OK
- 300 thousands
- All of the Above
- All of the Above
- 0.025%

8 quizz XY Finance

XY Finance's any token one-stop cross-chain swap is called ____。
- X Swap

Which token does XY Finance currently NOT support?
- XY Finance supports all above tokens

Which network does XY Finance currently NOT support?
- Gnosis Chain

How does XY Finance guarantee best cross-chain rates?
- XY Finance aggregates multiple DEXs and bridges

How doese XY Finance work?
- XY Finance helps you bridge and swap any token with the best swap rate

Which role does the XY Token currently NOT play in XY Finance?
- XY Token is a bridge token to ensure users have an instant cross-chain experience

How long does a XY Finance cross-chain transfer take?
- 2 - 10 minutes

Could you set a slippage tolerance on XY Finance?
- Yes

dopomoga ЗСУ|Обучение нодам|Отзывы
999 views06:49
2022-06-20 09:48:41 Новые тесты на ImToken

1 quizz
- Realize that this is a scam and report the group immediately
- Immediately realize that this is a scam and ignore the airdrop tokens
- Realize that he is an impersonator because imToken is a non-custodial wallet, so no one can freeze my wallet.
- Realize that it's probably a scam and contact imToken officials in the App to check it out
- The transfer page has a scan icon in the top right corner
Over-The-Counter (OTC) Trading and Arbitrage
Fake wallet and airdrop
Fake officials
Fake QR codes

2 quizz imKey

Which of the following connection methods does imKey Pro support?
- Bluetooth and USB
Which of the following descriptions is incorrect?
- imKey Pro enables data interaction with imToken via the Internet
Which of the following situations will result in the loss of digital assets?
- The loss of mnemonic
Which of the following actions will cause the mnemonic to be less secure?
- Import the mnemonic generated by imKey Pro into a hot wallet
- What Layer 2 networks does imKey Pro support?
- All of the above
Which of the following information should I back up when creating an imKey Pro wallet? (more than one answer)
- Binding code
- Mnemonic
Which of the following is the correct way to use imKey Pro? (more than one answer)
- Set a strong PIN
- Accurately write down the binding code and keep it in a safe place
- Back up the mnemonic carefully and and keep it in a safe place
- imKey Pro needs to check the irreversible seal before using it for the first time
Which of the following features does imKey Pro support? (more than one answer)
- Offline creation and storage of mnemonics
- Basic wallet functions, i.e. receiving and transferring money
- Match im Token Interaction DApp
- Mainstream Layer 2 networks and EVM-compatible chains

3 quizz Celer

- All of the above
- The transfer fees go directly to the Celer team
- Over 30
- xLiquidity and xAsset
- All of the above
- A validator node can act maliciously toward the network without being punished.

4 quizz Wepiggy

- wepiggy.org
- 12
- Dividend
- 8,000,000,000
- Fix WPC Reward Distribution
- Liquidation Reminder

dopomoga ЗСУ|Обучение нодам|Отзывы
967 viewsedited  06:48
2022-06-19 23:50:30 29 000 ?

1.6K viewsedited  20:50
2022-06-19 22:10:33
По битку... Цели 20200 и 21900 (если пустят) Так же лонгую EGLD Цели 50.250 и 52.520 (цели ниже уже закрыл на уровне 45)
1.8K views19:10
2022-06-19 18:35:20 По битку...
Цели 20200 и 21900 (если пустят)

Так же лонгую EGLD
Цели 50.250 и 52.520 (цели ниже уже закрыл на уровне 45)
1.9K viewsedited  15:35
2022-06-19 18:17:48 Давайте 300 и скину ответы на 8 квизов...

dopomoga ЗСУ|Обучение нодам|Отзывы
1.8K viewsedited  15:17
2022-06-18 23:23:31 У фонда 3AC снова проблемы. При цене за эфир 891$ их ликвиднет на 140 лямов.

Эх, топовый был фонд, но медведь не щадит никого)
2.0K views20:23
2022-06-18 23:12:27 лол. отскока нет... Погнали на 16)

Upd. Все по плану. Отскочили
1.9K viewsedited  20:12
2022-06-18 22:53:15
Готовимся пробивать 18000. На 17800 вероятен отскок и завершение 3-й волны, шорт буду крыть.

Далее рост, засадка хомяков в поезд, и на дно. Но это через время
1.9K viewsedited  19:53