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THE JAPANESE CRANE IN ARL Friends, today we wish to tell yo | Crypto NEWS | TON & Telegram


Friends, today we wish to tell you about the Japanese crane, and some amazing stories related to this amazing bird!

Name: ARL Grus Japonensis
Tier: 3
SubTier: Mythical
Class: Birds

The Japanese Crane has long been under protection. Nowadays, the population of this species has increased, but the danger still exists. Human beings remain the main threat to the Japanese Crane. Construction work in its habitat areas, drying out wetlands, road building, as well as other human activities, can lead to the total extinction of this species.

Frequently people harm not only nature, but also themselves. Thus, a symbol of the Hiroshima tragedy was a Japanese girl, Sadako Sasaki, and origami of a Japanese crane. August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japanese territory. Sadako struggled with the dire consequences of radiation sickness, and believed in the legend that if one collects 1000 paper cranes, then the most secret wish will come true. Sadako went down in history, thanks to her courage and tenacity, and the Japanese crane has forever become a symbol of the fight for life.

ARL keeps working for the benefit of endangered species. Endangered wildlife inspires us to create NFTs that have also become a symbol of love for the environment, and nature.

Stay tuned for the ongoing Bird Week, and keep our little brothers safe!