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​One of the most eagerly awaited days is on the doorstep! T | Crypto NEWS | TON & Telegram

One of the most eagerly awaited days is on the doorstep!

Today, the International Red List is to publish changes in the classification of certain animal species.
This moment is the one our large community has been waiting for with bated breath.

We hope that these changes are not only of utilitarian value for you
We believe that you started to take part in the ARL project, and began to care more about, the fate of red-legged animals.

For all of you who are concerned about animals from the Red List, we publish several fascinating facts about them:

- Red List animals live not only in nature reserves, but also in protected areas.
For example, Moscow, one of the largest megalopolises, is home to 16 species of animals listed in the Red List: weasel, hazel dormouse, common cougar, ermine, water vole, squirrel hare, several species of bats, as well as others.

- The long-eared hedgehog, whose females are virtually indistinguishable from the males, can live without food (eating mostly insects) and water, for up to 10 weeks.

- Ghanaian dolphins prefer to live in muddy rivers with slow currents, and are very fond of swimming on their sides. And their pregnancies last 8-9 months, and are usually single-fertile - just like humans!

- In 2015, the new "European Red List of Birds " included 67 species, of the 533 species, inhabiting these territories, which is almost 13%!
At the same time, the status of 29 species was upgraded, which is a negative trend.

But 20 species managed to improve their status, and remain non-threatened in Europe.