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​Friends, we genuinely care about our red-listed animals, so w | TON NFT | Animals Red List ENG

​Friends, we genuinely care about our red-listed animals, so we'd like to share with you some exciting facts about them

- Sharks are the same age as stingrays, but they still couldn't get a full-fledged mineralized skeleton in the process of evolution. For this reason, in fact, they belong to the group of cartilaginous fish.

- Lions were formerly found, even on the territory of modern Europe. Now we can see these beautiful big cats only in a few African national parks.

- One of the main reasons for the extermination of predators, by humans, is their image as extremely dangerous creatures for humans. Lions, tigers, bears, sharks (especially sharks), are exterminated. Perceived as cannibals, while those animals would rather get away from humans than attack for no reason.

- The "most endangered species" in 2013, was recognized as the symbol of the Democratic Republic of Congo - the forest giraffe (okapi), even depicted on its banknotes.

- As of last year, the number of African forest elephants has declined by more than 86% in 31 years. The population of African savanna elephants has dropped, by at least 60%, in the past 50 years.

- Almost 10 years ago, the island fox (Urocyon littoralis), previously in critical condition, improved its status. First of all, it is related to successful conservation work of the U.S. National Park Service, an IUCN member, which is fighting vigorously to preserve these, and other, rare animal species.

Friends, we wish every Red List animal were as lucky as the island fox.
Thanks to our joint efforts, we are also contributing to the conservation, and restoration, of the fauna. And we really hope that every year there will bring more improvements to their status