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​​Ethan Hawke on superheroes In 2019, director Martin Scorses | KNNdustrii

​​Ethan Hawke on superheroes

In 2019, director Martin Scorsese compared Marvel films to formulaic "theme park rides", saying they take audiences away from humble films. This started a trend of non-superhero directors being asked about comic book movies and sharing their critiques in return. For example,
Ridley Scott once called them "boring", comparing them to trash. Francis Ford Coppola used the word "contempt" to describe his attitude towards them. According to Coppola, such films avoid risk for the sake of commercial and financial gain.

In an interview with RayWorkProductions, actor Ethan Hawke has been vocal in his defense of superhero films,
saying, “I really love superhero movies. And at the same time, I love art-house films. And I don't think there can be a difference between low art and high art. There are films that have a heart. And there are films designed to earn money. I like the ones with soul and you can feel it.
It happens in superhero movies and art house as well.”

The interview was given in 2018, but remained unknown until now. The relevance of the video contributed to the fact that it went viral 4 years after its release.