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Логотип телеграм канала @gusevlife — SVIATOSLAV GUSEV
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Последние сообщения 23

2022-06-18 14:55:08
TON Diamonds bursts into the NFT world

Remember, I've repeatedly told you about the NFT collections, in particular I wrote several posts about TON Diamonds. So, it's happened. It passed the mint and the collection is already available in Marketplace. I also got a few diamonds in my Tonkeeper Wallet.

All in all, this is probably the best collection I have at the moment. I'm not comparing it to GameFi or DeFi projects where NFTs are involved. But specifically with collectible NFTs, among them, diamonds are the best, period.

TON Diamonds are perfect and period.

Exactly half a year ago we were buying them when nobody really knew what it was like to buy NFT on Telegram. And now hundreds of projects are already appearing in TON, starting to make their own NFTs, and in one way or another its a credit to Diamonds.

I'm going to keep a few NFTs for a long Hold, like this for about a year for sure. And then we'll see. Just something tells me it's better not to sell them to get all of the collection creator perks.
11 viewsedited  11:55
2022-06-16 18:00:09TON during crypto-winter. What to do.

If you haven't read the previous posts in the series, here's the first and here's the second.

TON is also a cryptocurrency and its rate is also subject to general market sentiment, that's a fact. And in fact, this is its first crypto-winter, so the rate drop is quite logical and expected.

You can see on the chart that TON has now fallen to values where you can see a good support line, and in general there is a near minimum there, which means that there is a good chance that the price can push back from the support line and go up

What to do now - first, calm down and don't do anything stupid with your funds. Second, there are a couple of ways to capitalize on the crisis.

The first is hold-master mode: buy more TON, ignore drawdowns, throw in staking and be patient. Those who know how to wait, always get more than others.

Second - you can also buy NFT at a low price, which retain their value and can grow in value after the rehabilitated market, but it may not burn out, so everyone decides for himself and need to look at the project.

Right now the market gives you the opportunity to buy at the very bottom and just wait. And for those who have been screaming that it's too expensive, it's your time.

Everything can be turned to your advantage. Even such a huge drop in prices ;)
26 views15:00
2022-06-16 16:01:20 Her Majesty - Crypto-winter

Crypto-winter is a consequence of inflation, something that all investors are so afraid of. A prolonged decline in the price of all crypto, which hits the ecosystem of the crypto world without exception.

Tokens, various NFTs and other projects, despite their usefulness and promise, are temporarily declining in price due to circumstances beyond their control. People begin to sell assets in a panic, not only at breakeven, but even at a loss.

All of the reasons from the post above served to cause that as a consequence - crypto fell 30% in a week. Bitcoin is worth just over $20,000, and the altcoins that always run after it are also in deep minus, including TON.

But don't despair. The world always keeps in balance, after day comes night, and after a fall comes a rise. Crypto-winter, like any other period, cannot be eternal.

But still, how does the TON, which I talk about so often on my channel, react to crypto-winter?

Spoiler - it drops too :) and that's absolutely normal.
20 views13:01
2022-06-16 14:11:21 Global inflation and investor panic

I want to tell you in order why there is such an unprecedented drop in prices, what will happen to TON, which has just started to gain popularity and whether it is possible to cope with it all.

And let's go down the cause-and-effect path.

We can all see what's going on, both in the crypto market and the real market. Commodity prices are rising, logistics are suffering, investors are panicking, and currencies and stock prices are plummeting.

It's all the fault of a chain of events: the covid-19, though no longer in the trend of the discussed news, but still leaves a trail of losses after itself all over the world.

Investors get out of risky projects, trying to save their funds, and the military special operation (official name, the law prohibits to call it otherwise) in Ukraine could not but have a negative impact on the world economy and moods of these investors, both large and ordinary.

In general, a bloody mix, which entails a bear market, and the latter, in turn, a crypto-winter.
23 views11:11
2022-06-14 14:47:34 Social media on The Open Network

This may come as a surprise to some, but, yes, there are even social networks on TON. I'm all for mass adoption TON, so today I want to talk briefly about each one.


This is a social network of WEB 3 format. Tonex is completely free, and registration is due to authorization through a cryptocurrency wallet.

In addition to the standard features of any social network, there are some innovations. For example, it's possible to send TON to user, you can check incoming and outgoing transactions of any user, and there is a possibility of contests right inside Tonex.


This is a new social network with deep NFT integration. The team creates a place where people can have fun, share their NFTs, and use NFT artist tools.

Bugs and issues are solved quickly by support, a nice community, but the main feature of Foxes is NFT integration. The team has big plans to create exclusive functionality, every week there are some features that users enthusiastically greeted.


Another social network on the TON blockchain. Registration is available to everyone who has an account in Telegram, there are no other options to create a profile. Functionality, as with all social networks, posting, communication.

But there is an exclusive: all financial nuances are tied to the payment in TONCoin, payment for subscription, content, referral charges. This project is promising, but still a little bit raw, I am sure that in the future it will be fine-tuned, and after the official integration of TON in Telegram, the popularity of social network will grow at times.


Yes, these are the same guys who make the NFT collection of diamonds. But they have other projects besides the NFT collection, which is why I liked them. One of the projects is an NFT-marketplace with elements of a social network.

The service is still in beta-version, you can create your own profile, add a description and links to other channels. Also your NFT will be displayed in the profile. For holders of NFTs a lot of privileges and access to the private part of the site is planned.
More details to come later.

Throw a light if you want to get into one of the social networks
12 views11:47
2022-06-12 11:31:50 NFT collection on TON by a world-class artist

I did a post not too long ago about celebrities stepping into the NFT sphere on TON as models from which to create unique NFT drawings.

And today we're already seeing the first blogger, namely Ellen Sheidlina, an artist with a multi-million audience release her personal NFT collection on TON, with the launch coming via TON Diamonds, about which I've already done posts here.

I can say already, judging from the background, that Ellen will bring something completely new to the NFT world and it's very cool that she chose the TON ecosystem as her "workshop".

The artist's collection will be released on the TON Diamonds marketplace, briefly about what is known about it:

It is stated that the focus of the marketplace will be on quality, which means there will only be worthwhile and promising projects, and the team also plans to find and open NFTs on TON for a wide variety of artists.

Diamonds will have clear criteria by which they will judge whether or not an NFT collection is suitable for placement with them.

I think this is the right thing to do as it will weed out the profiteers and leave the "burning" people who care about their project and want it to grow.

And in general this is a great event for the TON community, I hope that with time world names in the ecosystem will only be more
14 views08:31
2022-06-10 12:37:58 The NFT Celebrity Collection at TON

Remember I told you earlier about the promising NFT collection TON Diamonds? Well, now I want to tell you about another interesting collection that I noticed - TON Blogger NFT.

The NFT pieces are painted girls that are drawn from real models, bloggers and other celebrity ladies.

By the way, I noticed one unique thing - in addition to the fact that there are a lot of attributes, you can change them and add to the ready NFT. That's already interesting.

It is declared that there will be 20.000 NFT in total, now on pre-sale the price of one NFT-shell is ~25 TON, I think that the price will go up, as always.

They're not on marketplaces yet, but they're on sale now via telegram bot and plus you can try to win via the game bot.

I would buy a couple, at least on hold. Makes sense to hold long term and keep an eye on the project. Because according to the information that I have - the project has a very good future.
13 views09:37
2022-06-08 12:49:04 NFT-marketplace OpenSea began deleting and blocking Russian accounts

Apparently, OpenSea went the way of Binance and under the oppression of sanctions started blocking users.

It is quite a sad scenario and although now they write that these are isolated cases, the scale will only increase, it is clear to everyone.

I would advise to be more careful with staying at this site, at any time now it is possible to block and it's better to protect yourself and your NFT/media from it beforehand.

And I also can't help mentioning TON - in my opinion, this ecosystem has more decentralized approach, aimed just at users and I don't expect any blocking of coins or NFT from authorities.

What are your thoughts? Share in the comments.
26 views09:49
2022-06-05 14:37:38 How to easily earn $25 + $25 for each friend on the NEXO steaking exchange

I've been tracking different ways to make money online for a long time, particularly in cryptocurrency.

I want to share with you a simple, yet reliable and profitable option with the help of NEXO exchange.

Now Abuse is still working!
Read the article

All the steps I have described in detail in the article and attached screenshots, with which you can repeat all the steps step by step and earn money.
49 views11:37
2022-06-03 13:48:37 The launch of the TON Diamonds. First details

I've been really looking forward to this event, namely the launch of the NFT collection from my favorites in the NFT market, TON Diamonds.

I want to share with you the latest known news on this collection. There will be several stages in total, which will be carried out over the next three weeks.

There will be a minet in mainnet, a partial sale of NFT, a community for owners, announcements and gifts from first affiliate collections, personal profiles, a closed page for holders, the launch of a marketplace where you can buy, sell and give NFT.

Only 50% of the NFTs from the TON Diamonds collection will be sold in June.

This is done so that the launch is more controlled and the secondary market is strong with no decrease in demand. A waiting list has been created for this purpose.

Access will be gradual and will not exceed 50% of the entire collection in June. It will be possible to buy NFT from holders directly through the marketplace at the price they bid.

The cost of NFTs at the June sale will already be twice as much as at the first pre-sale.

There were 2 pre-sales in total and the price on the second one was already 1.5 times higher than the first one. Those who bought NFT will be able to sell at a better price. And because of the 50% safe-list limit, there will be an increase on the secondary market.
The price in TON at sale will be 44 for a small, 244 for a medium, and 4044 for a large.

Royalties will be 2-3 times lower than the current players in the NFT market.

Since high collection maker commissions (Royalties) are bad for NFT resales, TON Diamonds decided to side with NFT owners and put up a 2.2% royalty instead of the usual 5-7% market royalty.

The low commission will add user loyalty to the collection and attract even more NFT enthusiasts.

I'm sure this project holds tremendous potential, which it is already starting to realize. Those who break into it now will get guaranteed benefits, not to mention those guys who invested in it at the nascent stage
52 views10:48