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Логотип телеграм канала @gusevlife — SVIATOSLAV GUSEV S
Логотип телеграм канала @gusevlife — SVIATOSLAV GUSEV
Адрес канала: @gusevlife
Категории: Криптовалюты , NFT
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 9.64K
Описание канала:

⚡️ Investor: market analysis, insiders
🔥 Building a business, writing about development
💻 Contact: @FrontSellerbot
Advertising: https://telega.in/c/gusevself

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Последние сообщения 20

2022-09-09 17:26:47 Ministry of Finance announces legalization of crypto for cross-border payments

According to the Deputy Minister of Finance, the infrastructure they plan to create is too rigid for the use of crypto in cross-border payments, which they are going to legalize.

He also noted that regulators have agreed that in the current environment it is definitely not possible to do without it, and measures will be taken in the near future.

The Ministry of Finance proposes that people have the opportunity to open cryptocurrency wallets, which they now have outside the country, inside the Russian Federation.

Again the old song about the main thing: then the ban, then legalization, then again the ban. They should come to something definitive, but with time there are only more questions
17 views14:26
2022-09-05 21:45:28 Inside on TON: Kucoin as a listing option

TON has a very positive momentum right now, such as the upcoming listing on Huobi Global, which is definitely encouraging.

But I want to share the news that there is a possibility of further listing on another major crypto exchange, Kucoin.

I won't say where I got this information, but I strongly advise to register on Kucoin and wait.

Also, as a blogger, I was able to get a promo code, when you register with which you get the maximum possible discount on exchange trading commissions

Promo code — rPP2H9M

I feel that TON will please us more than once in the near future ;)
15 views18:45
2022-09-05 18:30:42 Russia halts gas supplies to Europe

It has become known that Russia will not resume gas supplies to Europe until Western sanctions are lifted, information from the Kremlin.

Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said that there is no reason that could cause a problem with gas pumping, except because of the "collective West" and their sanctions, which suggests that the Russian Federation has reduced energy supply precisely in response, not because of a technical error.

It's a news-saturated time we live in, that's for sure. If this is really all true, the markets can put on a show and prices will fly into space

What do you think will happen in the end?
14 views15:30
2022-09-05 18:01:41 Open source: the freedom we need

There's a YouTube release on Editorial.Science about open source and web 3 - why it matters and how it will affect our reality.
The link to the release is

I've already watched the clip, good presentation and interesting material. By the way, my friend participated in the release

I want to add for myself that decentralization and open source is the freedom it should be. It does not wreak havoc or seek to evade the law - it provides digital security, which is especially important in today's challenging times.

By the way, many developers on TON are now running open repositories and sharing their work — https://github.com/TegroTON. On GitHub you can see a lot of projects for WEB 3 in open source.

Who has already seen the release, what do you think about open source?
15 views15:01
2022-09-04 20:30:00 5 assets — 75% of the cryptocurrency market

Crypto is already used by 320 million people, I recently talked about it here — t.me/GusevLife/127. But do you know how many digital assets there are?

In February 2022 Statista conducted a study about cryptocurrencies, which showed that there are now about 10,400 types of digital assets, for comparison — in 2013 there were only 66.

The total market capitalization of all digital currencies is currently ~$930,000,000,000, where bitcoin has 40% of the market, ether has 19.3%, and USDT, USDC and BNB share 15%.

Those who have been in crypto for a long time sometimes think it's already everywhere and there's plenty of money, but in fact the cryptocurrency market on a global scale is just nascent.

I wonder in ten years how much will the capitalization of all crypto reach?
10 views17:30
2022-09-03 19:00:00 TON rewards craving for crypto-knowledge

Have you heard of Stack Overflow? It's a Q&A site for developers, one of the biggest resources about coding.

The TON Foundation is launching a rewards program for those who take part in building the TON knowledge base on this site.

Once a month, the most active participants who answered and asked questions will receive a reward at TON and at NFT. Details here — t.me/tonsociety/50

A great idea that kills a few pains at once - people will have somewhere to go with their TON situations, they will also be motivated to answer others.

And the knowledge will help each other and the competitive aspect - money motivates everybody =)

And what question would you ask about TON?
9 views16:00
2022-09-03 13:20:45 Tonex | Do we need it?

Tonex is a platform with services and social network elements on TON.

Yes, Tonex was created on The Open Network blockchain for project founders, app developers, and in general for every member of the TON network.

What does it have to offer?
The platform has tools that allow you to:

— Launch and promote projects;
— Engage project developers with their audience;
— Introduce their own services and applications;
— Find interesting and promising projects for users;
— Earn money thanks to several monetization systems at once.
— Communicate, there are elements of social networking there for a reason =)

It may seem that Tonex is more for developers than for average users, but its perspectives are much wider than those of many "standard" social networks.

Maybe in a couple of years everyone will ask you for your Tonex account instead of your phone number =)
12 views10:20
2022-09-01 20:01:38 Where to rent a server | Second masthead post

So, you already know where it is better to buy domains (https://t.me/gusevself/834), now on the agenda: server rental sites.

DigitalOcean is a decent option, I have all the Telegram bots here, for example.

Fornex.com — cool guys from Fornex provide administration services, let me say right away: expensive, but high quality.

Eh, I used them when I started my projects back in 2012, how long ago it was =)

DDoS-Guard — server maintenance is expensive, but privacy and protection actually from DDoS. There were several projects where I took servers here.

Selectel — I would like to point out that Pavel Durov seems to have invested in them, correct me if this is not true. We have servers here under the archive node for TON.

I hope, with this post I saved someone a lot of time and nerves =) if you used something from the list - share, how do you like it?
4 views17:01
2022-08-31 19:01:12 Crypto is already used by 320,000,000 people

Sounds impressive, right? Analyst company Triple A estimates that 320 million users use cryptocurrency, but if you look globally, that's only 4.2% of the world's population.

We are pioneers of a whole new revolutionary industry that some people don't even know about yet =)

If we already say that NFT market is overheated, what will happen when at least 20% of global population uses crypto?

Will TON play an important role in mass adoption of users in crypto-sphere? We'll see :)

I'm sure that WEB 3 is the future, which is not far off. And we, the developers, will do everything for it as soon as possible
9 views16:01
2022-08-31 12:45:20
NFT on the TON at the Louvre. Maybe Paris?

Lately I've been having thoughts of flying somewhere in the fall, traveling energizes me and inspires me to burst into work with renewed vigor.

And then I found out that in early September, the Focus Art Fair will be held at the Louvre, where the same NFT-collection on TON — Annihilation by the international artist I told you about — t.me/GusevLife/51 will be presented.

Firstly, I'm very happy for Ellen, secondly, as a holder of one of the NFT-souls I'm pleased with such attention to the collection, and thirdly - this is the most powerful boost not only for TON, but also for all NFT-collections on its blockchain!

The festival will be September 1-4 at the Carrousel du Louvre, 99 Rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris.
Admission to the show is free for TON Diamonds and Annihilation NFT holders.

Who knows, is the weather flying in Paris in September? =)
12 views09:45