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If you think it's too late to study the crypto market, you're | TRIAD - Trade

If you think it's too late to study the crypto market, you're wrong.

I myself have been hesitant and skeptical about this topic for a long time. But when I saw what income potential I was missing, I decided not to hesitate.

A year and a half ago I entered the market for the first time, but as the proverb says: "You always lose your first capital" .

But people learn from their mistakes, and I'm no exception. Then I invested crypto for long term and thought to wait, but more promising idea was trading in spot and futures. That's what I did with the guys.

I`ve been studying candlesticks, infopodov, and foreign manipulators in twitter, tv, fb, privatki, etc. We built a strategy. The first income from $1,600 was ~$800 in one month. It was the first capital, the first profit that was earned on the spot in 1 month, which is 50% of the initial investment.
Our team grew in experience, and we decided to share it with you in the public share absolutely free.

Money - make money.