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Notcoin Pre-market Vouchers 737k vouchers minted $14M Volum | TON POINTER ENG

Notcoin Pre-market Vouchers

737k vouchers minted
$14M Volume

Over 370,000 onchain users interacted with vouchers, boosting TON onchain metrics

How to exchange to $NOT tokens?

Holders will be able to send Voucher to the smart-contract after TGE to get $NOT tokens back. There will be a special page with an access from @notcoin_bot.

Alternatively, they can exchange Vouchers to wNOT via Shardify.app (there is some fee).

Good news: Shardify team will provide a smart-contract to exchange $wNOT to $NOT directly. You can buy $wNOT here now.

Happy trading frens