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Sheidlina Art&NFT

Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT S
Логотип телеграм канала @sheidlina — Sheidlina Art&NFT
Адрес канала: @sheidlina
Категории: Криптовалюты , NFT
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.61K
Описание канала:

Ellen Sheidlin:
Channel that unites people who are interested in and aim to become a part of the Web3 world. Every day is a step towards digital art, crypto technology and NFT. Let's walk this path together.

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Последние сообщения

2023-04-05 21:13:14
The art of time management
the art of time management

for artists

In the art world, where the creative process requires passion and focus, being able to manage one's time wisely is essential for an artist. Reflecting on how I manage to find a balance, I highlight a few key aspects.

•Determine your priorities

Whether it's a new project, an exhibition or taking part in a workshop, try to prioritise your tasks so that your creativity doesn't suffer from chaos and overload.

•Create a flexible timetable

Set a specific time for creativity and try to stick to that schedule. Remember that each of us is unique and the optimal time to work can be different. Find your ideal balance between creativity and relaxation.

•Use a timer

Set a time limit for your projects. This will help you not get lost in the creative world and keep your time and energy under control. Short breaks between painting will fill you with new energy and allow you to look at your work with fresh eyes.

•Know how to say no

Don't hesitate to turn down certain commitments or offers if they distract you from important projects or take up too much of your time. Protect your creative space and time to work on your art with full commitment and focus.

•Break up tasks into
small steps

Complex and long-term projects can seem tedious and time-consuming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps, and mark your achievements as you go along. This will help you see your progress and stay motivated throughout the process.

•Don't be afraid to experiment

Creativity is a journey, not a set of strict rules. If you feel that your approach to time management isn't working, feel free to experiment and look for new methods. You may find that a different schedule works for you, or you may find that you work better with frequent breaks.

311 viewsedited  18:13
2023-04-05 00:26:38

On my Instagram, I've launched
a creative challange where you and I will be drawing every day for the whole month of April. I do a little digital drawing and attach a pencil sketch idea.

To take part you need to:

•Draw every day during
the month of April;
•The drawing can be anything you like, as long as it's finished;
•Share the finished work in your stories and tag my account sheidlinart;
•For the full 30 days, please leave your finished work in the comments below this post.

Each day, I'll be happy to share a different day and a different artist
On my Instagram!

Let's get started
348 views21:26
2023-04-04 18:04:16
TON Diamonds in New York: new international artists will present their NFT-artworkds at Focus Art Fair exhibition.

The eagerly-awaited TON Diamonds exhibition, the first of its scale this year, is set to take place from May 18th to May 21st in the bustling metropolis of New York City. The event, which will be held at the Chelsea Industrial space, located just a 10-minute walk from the Empire State Building, will bring together the world's top artists, collectors, and art professionals for the much-anticipated Focus Art Fair.

TON Diamonds has been confidently expanding its presence in the international art space. We’re proud to announce the names of the artists who will release their NFT-artworks on our platform and present them at the exhibition in New York: Sarah McDaniel, Ellen Sheidlin, Harry Yeff, and Shane Fu. Each of these creative talents has a unique style and is creating truly special artworks for TON Diamonds to present at Focus Art Fair.

The exhibition has already been generating buzz, with leading media outlets including Yahoo Finance, Reuters, Bloomberg and Marketwatch publishing press releases, providing a glimpse into the upcoming event and unveiling some of the fantastic artworks.

We believe that our collaboration with these exceptional global artists, and our participation in an event of such scale, is a significant milestone not just for our marketplace, but for the entire TON Ecosystem. So, mark your calendars and get ready to be amazed by the outstanding NFT artworks on display at the Focus Art Fair in NYC!
342 views15:04
2023-04-03 22:07:25
Artist Ai Weiwei recreates Monet's water lilies using 650,000 Lego parts

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei decided to demonstrate that contemporary art can be meticulous and large-scale at the same time. He has prepared a new work, "Water Lilies No. 1" Claude Monet, laid out in real size from Lego constructor parts.

The cubes total about 650,000 pieces. Work on it began in 2015, it was ready last year, and it will be shown to the public in a fresh exhibition at London's Design Museum this April.

As the artist explains, in this work he has tried to use modern digital technology not just to depict an impressionist painting, but also to tell a very personal story about him and his father.

Ai Weiwei is the son of the Chinese poet Ai Qing, who was persecuted by the authorities in the 1960s and forced to live with his family in exile in a remote province of China. It was there that Ai Weiwei spent his childhood.

In Water Lilies No. 1, there is an allusion to the times - among the flowers, on the right-hand edge of the painting, there is a "portal to the dark past" - the outline of the door to the dugout where the artist and his family lived as children. Ai Weiwei himself, openly criticises the Chinese authorities and fights for human rights around the world.
385 views19:07
2023-04-03 19:03:07
The female gaze in art

Art has long served as a definite mirror for society, reflecting different perspectives and viewpoints. For centuries, however, women artists have been overshadowed by their male counterparts. But how exactly are the works of female artists different and why does it matter?

•Lighting the female experience

Women often create works based on their own experiences, reflecting the realities of female life and existence. This enriches the art world with new subjects and perspectives, giving viewers a glimpse into the world of women and a better understanding of their experiences.

•Added sensuality and emotionality

In our works, we are more likely to show more sensuality and emotionality. This can be seen in the softness of the lines, the more subtle colours and the detailing. These qualities make the works more intimate and moving.

•Reviewing stereotypes

Women's artwork often challenges established stereotypes about the role and image of women in society. This helps to break down prejudices and broaden perceptions of women's roles.

•A profound interaction with
with nature

Many female artists seek a deeper engagement with nature in their work. This is reflected in their depiction of landscapes, flowers and animals, as well as in the way they incorporate natural elements into their compositions.

•Empathy and social responsibility

Women artists are more likely to express social responsibility and empathy in their work, raising important themes such as inequality, oppression and violence. This can be a powerful tool to discuss social issues and inspire change.
336 views16:03
2023-04-02 20:56:32
The world's first AI art gallery
has opened in Amsterdam
world's first AI art gallery

A unique Dead End AI Gallery has been opened in Amsterdam,which exhibits the work of artificial intelligence. It is the first gallery of its kind in the world.

The Dead End Gallery shows digital paintings and interactive installations drawn by artists who have also been created by artificial intelligence. To do this, the galleries have developed software that creates AI artists who, in turn, 'paint' the paintings. The price of such works of art ranges from
$3,000 to $10,000.

However, according to the gallery owner, while the paintings are unique, they are not flawless. He pointed out that in many of the works, people's hands have six fingers.
93 views17:56
2023-04-02 18:17:41
Why do quick sketches?

Quick sketches are a great way to develop your drawing skills, especially when time is limited and conditions are far from ideal. Here are a few reasons why quick sketches are worthwhile:

•Develop the habit of
drawing every day

Quick sketches do not take much time or effort, so you can sketch whenever and wherever you want. In this way, drawing becomes a habit.

•Teach the ability to get
in the drawing with a single line

Constant practice makes your sketches more accurate and realistic. If you do it regularly, you'll learn to transfer what you see on paper in a single movement of your hand.

•Increases the speed of your work

Not only for sketches but also for longer works, you can draw more quickly and with higher quality.

•It teaches you to stress

When you are sketching we often have limited time and need to quickly grasp an image. It is the sketching that helps us to understand what is important and most characteristic in nature. By the way, it happens all by itself.

•Discover our weaknesses

Sketches show at a glance what we have the most difficulty with. For example, in your sketches, the brushes are the most often affected. So that's a reason to pay more attention, to study the structure and the possible
angles, to see how other artists paint what you don't understand.

Teaches you to analyse nature

During long periods of drawing, our attention is often dulled by routine work. Sketching, on the other hand, teaches us to constantly look at the subject, which then leads to a greater likeness.

•Allows you to add to your knowledge

Sketching helps to build up knowledge and experience as you draw different objects you have never seen before.

99 views15:17
2023-04-01 22:08:18
Vogue cover with
106-year-old tattoo artist

Vogue's April cover was graced by 106-year-old Wang-Od, a tattoo artist who does traditional tribal batok tattooing. She is the only one in the world skilled in this rare art technique and her grand-niece!

The artist uses a mixture of charcoal and water instead of ink and uses a stick with a sharp spike on the end of a citrus plant Calamansi or pomelo. She is still practising her craft to this day.
153 views19:08
2023-04-01 18:13:39
Fear of a white sheet or
how to start a painting

It can sometimes happen that you pick up a pencil, get your brushes ready, mix your paints, pull out the freshest white canvas and just sort of freeze in front of it. Time goes by, the paint dries, and you stand at the easel and can't do anything.

The fear of a blank page is very similar to the fear of starting something new. It sometimes overtakes even deeply professional artists. This fear comes from the subconscious and affects not only painting, but other areas of life as well.

So what do you do to get started?

•Set a daily time limit
for a creative routine

Regular practice helps you get used to the creative process and reduces stress before starting a new job. Determine a convenient time and place for your creativity and follow your schedule.

•Use visualisation

Sit down, close your eyes and mentally draw the picture you want to create. Let your imagination run wild 100%, and then, inspired by that image, get to work on your canvas. The visualisation method will not only fill you with positive emotions, it will also help you map out the goal you want to achieve.

•Take a black sheet of paper

We're used to the idea that a drawing sheet has to be white, but that's always wrong. Graph paper and pastel paper come in all different shades. It's psychologically more difficult to draw something on a white sheet - what if you get it dirty or spoil it? While on a black sheet, it's easier to draw - you create white or bright spots!

•Start small

Sketch a smaller canvas, make a collage of some photos of your idea on your computer, choose the most difficult element of your future painting and practice scribbling it. Don't expect it to be perfect - sometimes the fear of making a mistake is as paralysing as the fear of a white sheet.

158 views15:13
2023-03-31 23:37:40
The digital art of the last century
is being transformed by the NFT

The work of San Francisco-based artist and digital art pioneer Lee Mullikan has become part of the NFT collection "Feral File." But these are no ordinary works, they were created back in 1987 and are some of the first digital works in the world.

The collection "LeeMulican.PCX" includes 12 digital works, each containing a .PCX source file. The works are created in PC Paitbrush on an IBM 5170 and saved on 5 1/4 - inch floppy disks.

The artist came into digital art from painting. As a teacher at the University of California, Los Angeles art school, he had access to an IBM with an adapter and stylus. In his 67 years, the artist began his first experiments with digital imaging, creating over 300 16-bit landscapes in vivid tones.

A. Meyer, curator of the artist's NFT collection, puts it this way: "There was no market for digital art then. But he kept creating." Contemporary artists must continue to create new things, regardless of the influence of market activity. This example reminds us that it is important to keep exploring new approaches, integrate them into your art and move forward, even if there is not always that coveted public recognition for the artist.
189 views20:37