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​​Доброго времени суток! Награждаемая викторина Euphoria | R1M | Drops

​​Доброго времени суток!

Награждаемая викторина Euphoria от Aurora Network 

13 июля Aura Network официально выпустила тестовую сеть Euphoria. В честь этого Aura Network запустила квиз Euphoria: узнайте и заработайте до 500 токенов $AURA

Что нужно делать:
Переходим в данную Google Форму
Указываем кошелёк сети BEP20, можно взять с  TrustWallet или MetaMask (Инструкция по кошелькам)
Подписываемся на Telegram, Twitter, делаем ретвит закреплённого твитта с хэштэгом #AuraNetwork и #EuphoriaQuiz
Отвечаем на вопросы:
1. What are the names of 2 main testing environments launched before Euphoria? 
Halo, Serenity
2. What is the main purpose of Euphoria Staging Network? *
All of them are correct
3. How many qualified validators did Aura selected to join Euphoria Staging Network?*
4. Which country is currently taking up the most in the Euphoria's node locations?*
5. Aura has run the IVP to encourage validators to take part in the Euphoria network. What does IVP stand for?*
Incentivized Validator Program
6. How many Aura Tokens on mainnet does a validator get rewarded for a day running a validator node in the IVP?*
7. What are the benefits to validators participating in the IVP?*
All of them are correct
8. How many validators who complete the IVP will be included in the genesis block of Aura mainnet?*
9. How long is the IVP expected to last?*
Until the beginning of Q4 2022
10. "______" is the blockchain explorer with extra features for governing, staking, NFT, notifications, etc. that are tailored towards Aura holders. *
11. Aura holders who do not not operate validators themselves also can participate in staking and delegation on AuraScan. What are the purposes of this? Choose the wrong answer.*
Send tokens to other users
12. Which information should Aura holders should review before selecting a validator to delegate on AuraScan? Choose the wrong answer.*
Validator avatar
13. Choose a correct statement.*
Minimum amount of Aura the validator must have bonded at all time. When a validator misbehaves, part of their total stake gets slashed. This stake includes the validator's self-bonded stake and their delegator's stake.
14. What factors are based on to calculate staking rewards for staked Aura holders?*
Both of them are correct
15. What should Aura holders do before they start staking process? *
All of them are correct
16. What can you do once the unbonding period begins?
Wait for the amount to be liquid
17. Aura stakers can vote on proposals that enters voting period with a voting power that ______ their amount of staked Aura.
is proportional to
18. What are available options a voter can choose from? *
Yes, No, NoWithVeto or Abstain
19. Can you change your vote's option in the voting period?
20. When is the expected time to launch Aura mainnet?*
Until the beginning of Q4 2022

Дедлайн: 1 августа в 23:59 (UTC)

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