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OverDose Gems Calls

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Логотип телеграм канала @overdose_gems_calls — OverDose Gems Calls
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Адрес канала: @overdose_gems_calls
Категории: Криптовалюты
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 39.65K
Описание канала:

This channel is used to call as early as possible new Crypto DEFI gems found on Uniswap, ETH, SOL, BASE and more.
Education only, Not Financial advice. DYOR.
Owner : @od_100

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Последние сообщения 7

2024-05-21 09:57:06
I think that I've already said it like 10 times - but I'll say it again.

Notice how EVERY TIME that the market bounces - $GPU is bouncing better than most of the AI coins.

My whole thesis was based on how good their community is considering it's not a meme token, and how big is the bullishness on what they are building.

If $ETH keeps doing this crazy performance, tokens like $GPU can go wild.
9.9K views06:57
2024-05-20 22:48:30
We are sooo fcking back
10.7K viewsedited  19:48
2024-05-20 16:38:40 Scammers are trying to send DMs to my community, inviting people to my "Premium paid group" I know that most of you know it, but I'll say it again: - I DON'T HAVE A PAID VIP GROUP - I WILL NEVER DM YOU FIRST - I WILL NEVER ASK YOU FOR MONEY NOR ANYTHING…
11.1K views13:38
2024-05-20 12:47:35
I wonder how hard the fudders / faders are coping right now?

I WAS ONE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE TO CALL $MAGA on ETH, and it's going absolutely crazy right now!

10.5K views09:47
2024-05-20 10:08:46

In 72 hours, $MAGA already did for us 8mil -> 30mil with a CRAZY volume.

Anyone else is still doubting the power of MEMEs?

If you like $$$, you MUST have your notifications both on my TG and Twitter guys.

You know I don't like to miss

Me calling $MAGA at 8mil:
11.0K viewsedited  07:08
2024-05-19 19:30:57
I went over the top 10 trending coins in ETH on Dextools.

Out of the 10, only 2 are green and up 100% + today.

• $GME - Called it here on the TG channel. The eth coin is MOONING even though the stock is going down

• $MAGA - Called it yesterday on Twitter at 8mil.
It's already 25mil (3x) with 20mil volume.

NO ONE comes anywhere close to my and your success rate, and people will still call me lucky

Follow me both on TG & Twitter if you want to make $$$$$

GME call:

MAGA call:
10.7K views16:30
2024-05-19 09:49:44
"Google Gemini has used the Math Odyssey dataset from $NMT"

People are still fading me on this one, but I have a feeling that $NMT will run hard.

Although I never spoke with the team, I've done a lot of research. All of them are doxxed, big companies are actually using their data sets and the liquidity is juicy (both on $ETH and #BSC).

I can always be wrong, but imo it's only a matter of time.
5.2K views06:49
2024-05-18 14:18:30
We are doing it again

After the endless amount of tweets I made about $NEURAL and my tweets about $PREAI, both of them broke a new ATH today.

People will now call me lucky (again), and that's ok.

I'm gonna be "lucky" 100 + more times about all the best upcoming tokens this cycle, so make sure you have your notifications BOTH on my TG and Twitter.

6.2K views11:18
2024-05-16 17:58:15 I make new people millionaires when they least expect it.

Let me explain

When I called $BRETT at ~8mil, no one knew about BASE or expected it. Yet it went to 800mil +, making more than 100x for us.

When I did an AMA with $UNIBOT at $1.5mil, no one cared about TG bots. Yet it did 100x +.

The same happened with $ATOR and $PAAL, called both of them in the peak of the bear when they were trading at less than 6-8mil MC. Both of them went to 400-600mil after that, leaving all the jeets speechless while we print a generational wealth.

Even when I called $MYRO early no one gave a fck about $SOL or Solana coins, yet it turned out to be a crazy call that went to 400m +.

I called all of them PUBLICLY on my TG channel and Twitter while most of the other influencers and trades were resting due to the market being slow.

For me there are no days off. I gotta win every single day, and I gotta do it together with you.

I won't rest until I know all of you made it. WE ARE DOING IT TOGETHER
8.1K viewsedited  14:58
2024-05-16 12:36:48
In 1 month since my call, and $NEURAL already did 8x.

I counted at least 20 of my tweets about them - so it was hard to miss it.

The best part that it was done in the SLOWEST month in the space, especially for utility coins.

People will call us lucky - but in reality it's a hard work that I put in research so you won't have to, 24/7.

TURN YOUR NOTIFICATIONS ON - there's too much money to be made in this market.

My first tweet about $NEURAL (April 4):
7.6K viewsedited  09:36