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New airdrop: GOGA (GGT) Total Reward: 64 Million GGT & $5,000 | Get Coin Crypto Airdrop

New airdrop: GOGA (GGT)
Total Reward: 64 Million GGT & $5,000 Special Gifts
Winners: For Everyone
Distribution: at TGE

Airdrop Link: airdrop page

Download the GOGA App for Android or IOS
Complete the daily English learning activities
For each activity receive 0.05 GGT each
Watch ads to receive 0.01-10 GGT randomly
For each invite, receive 0.5 GGT each

Note: For more information about this airdrop, please refer to this article. This airdrop will end on March 2023 and withdrawal of the rewards will be available at TGE.