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New - CapSignatureWithId capability is supported. Network sig | Everscale SDK / Graphql API / Dev Tools


- CapSignatureWithId capability is supported. Network signature ID is used by VM in signature verifying instructions if capability CapSignatureWithId is enabled in blockchain configuration parameters. This parameter should be set to global_id field from any blockchain block if network can not be reached at the moment of message encoding and the message is aimed to be sent into network with CapSignatureWithId enabled. Otherwise signature ID is detected automatically inside message encoding functions. Overwrite priority: ExecutionOptions.signatureid -> ClientConfig.network.signatureid -> last network block
- ClientConfig.network.signature_id optional parameter is added. Specify it in case of offline work for all message signing operations to use.
- ExecutionOptions is extended with signature_id optional parameter. Specify locally for a particular run_tvm or run_executor call.
- net.get_signature_id function returns global_id if CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled

- message_id and message_dst fields are added to all ProcessingEvent variants
- Config parameter binding: { library: string, version: string }. Binding authors should define this parameter at context initialization.
- tonclient-binding-library and tonclient-binding-version GraphQL request headers.
- Error.data.binding_library and Error.data.binding_version error data fields.

Client breaking changes
- abi.get_signature_data function ouput parameter hash is renamed to unsigned for consistency with other crypto functions parameters

Possible breaking change on binding side
- Changed type of the dictionary parameter or mnemonic crypto functions and crypto config. Now it uses MnemonicDictionary enum type instead of number. MnemonicDictionary numeric constants are compatible with previous values.

- debot engine module is deprecated. Debot engine development has migrated to a separate repository (soon will be published). So, in order to reduce sdk binary size, we will remove debot engine module from sdk in the next releases.