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how to assess the value of the coin MILL AND BUY 1% Let us e | Bill-Mill Official Eng

how to assess the value of the coin MILL AND BUY 1%

Let us examine the method of estimating the value of coins or tokens crypto "SYSTEM 1%"

With this system, you will appreciate the token Mill and see which has the potential to increase. You determine how many X's possible to get at the same time in growth.

Let us examine how "SYSTEM 1%" works in practice:

fix a price for Mill 05.06.2022 - 0.001 thousandth of the dollar on the exchange Poocoin

define how many coins in circulation:

Go to the Explorer on BscScan, see figure
229 395 887 is how many coins currently namayneno.

Determine how much it costs to buy out 100% of all circulating coins 229,395,887 $ x 0,001 = $ 229,395

determines the cost of 1% of all coins in circulation $ 229,395 / 100 = $ 2293

We received a purchase cost of 1% of all tokens in circulation 2293 $

Esli smoothly to redeem $ 2293 Mill, that the course did not grow up, we get 1% of the asset is 100% 2,293,958 Mill.

Then we calculate how many X's in the Mill token can be obtained in comparison with other Pos coins