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Забираем 5 фришек от Goldfinch Забираем 5 бесплатных джипегов | Zalupa NFT

Забираем 5 фришек от Goldfinch

Забираем 5 бесплатных джипегов за квиз, никаких применений нфт нет.


Goldfinch FAQ
1. All of the above - Anyone interested in Goldfinch and it’s mission to connect the world’s capital with the world’s growth and

2. Series B or beyond

3. Supporting community members with helpful responses in Discord and Twitter + Being a Liquidity Provider in the Senior Pool...

4. General updates in Discord + Subscribe to our substack newsletter

5. Yes

6. WalletConnect + MetaMask + Ledger


8. Yes. Goldfinch does not ask Borrowers to deposit any on-chain collateral to take out a loan...

9. Backers + Liquidity Providers

How the Senior Pool works
1. True

2. USD

3. The Senior Pool

4. 0%

5. Both. The APY presented is a dynamic number that will change both as Liquidity Providers supply/withdraw from the pool...

6. GFI

7. True

8. 0.5%

9. Yes, as long as there is enough USDC remaining in the Senior Pool. If the Senior Pool is 100% utilized and there is no USDC remaining...

10. Typically on monthly payment schedules, and different Borrowers make their payments at different times in the month

1. True

2. UID

3. True

4. https://docs.goldfinch.finance/goldfinсh/

5. Passport

6. True

How the Borrower Pool works
1. True

2. Second

3. All of the above

4. Both

5. NDA

6. True

Goldfinch Governance 101
1. Snapshot, Discord, Discourse Forum

2. https://gov.goldfinch.finance/

3. Snapshot

4. 72 hours or 3 days

5. Governance Council

6. #proposal-ideas