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How to make money on LIFe Token (LIFT) coin 1) Passive type o | Официальный канал TOR Corporation

How to make money on LIFe Token (LIFT) coin

1) Passive type of earnings # 1
We send to the pool to receive a profitability of 1000 LIFT
1% = 10 LIFT coins arrive on your wallet every day
We also sell them daily for a support order and get a net profit of $ 9 daily
The split of the Invested amount into a coin is 111 days, all subsequent days will bring you a net profit

2) Passive type of earnings # 2
We send to the pool to receive a profitability of 1000 LIFT
1% = 10 LIFT coins arrive on your wallet every day
We also sell them daily for a $ 1 sell order and get a net profit of $ 10 daily
The split of the Invested amount into a coin is 100 days, all subsequent days will bring you a net profit

3) Daily reinvestment of 50% profitability
We send to the pool to receive a profitability of 1000 LIFT
1% = 10 LIFT coins arrive on your wallet every day
We also sell 50% daily and get a net profit of $ 4.5 daily, add 50% daily to the pool
The investment of the invested amount into the coin is 139 days, all subsequent days bring you net profit for more than $ 10 daily

4) Active income
The initial investment is $ 1, on the following days you get a net profit
If you invite at least 1 Person per day for 1000 LIFT, your income is from $ 100 of net profit.