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Meet DEX Diamonds - The leading jetton exchange aggregator on | TON Diamonds NFT RUS

Meet DEX Diamonds - The leading jetton exchange aggregator on TON, now in a Telegram Mini App.

Launching our dedicated Telegram Mini App today marks a new era for TON Diamonds DEX, the leading aggregator for decentralized jetton exchanges on TON.

One year ago, we at TON Diamonds believed in a surge in jetton growth on TON. We envisioned an aggregating DEX platform as a bridge for users to save on each jetton trade across various liquidity providers.

In the past 8 months, we've achieved 100,000 trades, totaling $50 million in volume, highlighting our rapid growth and user trust.

We are thrilled to introduce our brand new Telegram mini app, @DEXDiamondsBot. The app features a refreshed look and delivers the best exchange rates for jettons right when you need them.

Join DEX Diamonds @DEXDiamondsBot today and experience the future of jetton exchange. We are committed to delivering significant and impactful innovations for the TON community.

Start trading smarter with DEX Diamonds now @DEXDiamondsBot!