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​​​​Now I am in Turkey, and while I am preparing a post about | Майнинг Криптовалюты

​​​​Now I am in Turkey, and while I am preparing a post about the difficulties that my business and my family are going through, I want to draw your attention to the long-awaited NFT collection for TON.

Custom Anime or TON NFT Blogger is the world's first customizable NFT with a beautiful anime girl, together with bloggers and Secret Club, released exclusively for Telegram, which you can set as an avatar, transfer and sell through marketplaces based on the TON blockchain.

The current price of NFT Blogger is 75 TON and 300 TON for Blogger 3D and will increase as further integrations and functionality are announced. This is a unique concept NFT with Anime Girl, which is already available for pre-order in the bot.

I am always happy to partner with energetic and serious projects, especially those with a unique concept.

Check with Toncoin in the bot below: