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The art of time management the art of time management for art | Sheidlina Art&NFT

The art of time management
the art of time management

for artists

In the art world, where the creative process requires passion and focus, being able to manage one's time wisely is essential for an artist. Reflecting on how I manage to find a balance, I highlight a few key aspects.

•Determine your priorities

Whether it's a new project, an exhibition or taking part in a workshop, try to prioritise your tasks so that your creativity doesn't suffer from chaos and overload.

•Create a flexible timetable

Set a specific time for creativity and try to stick to that schedule. Remember that each of us is unique and the optimal time to work can be different. Find your ideal balance between creativity and relaxation.

•Use a timer

Set a time limit for your projects. This will help you not get lost in the creative world and keep your time and energy under control. Short breaks between painting will fill you with new energy and allow you to look at your work with fresh eyes.

•Know how to say no

Don't hesitate to turn down certain commitments or offers if they distract you from important projects or take up too much of your time. Protect your creative space and time to work on your art with full commitment and focus.

•Break up tasks into
small steps

Complex and long-term projects can seem tedious and time-consuming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps, and mark your achievements as you go along. This will help you see your progress and stay motivated throughout the process.

•Don't be afraid to experiment

Creativity is a journey, not a set of strict rules. If you feel that your approach to time management isn't working, feel free to experiment and look for new methods. You may find that a different schedule works for you, or you may find that you work better with frequent breaks.
