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Is it possible for an artist to create without inspiration? A | Sheidlina Art&NFT

Is it possible for an artist
to create without inspiration?

Almost every artist sooner or later faces a situation where you need to create a work of art, but you don't feel inspired in any way. What should you do in such a case? Should you wait for the muse or force yourself to work?

When such moments arise,
The best thing to do is to try and find distractions, regain energy and new impressions. Inspiration is not something external or accidental, but the result of our inner state and attitude towards the world.

The main thing in such moments is not to wait for the muse to come to you, but to go in search of her own. And it doesn't matter where you look for your source of inspiration in a museum, books, music or just walking down the street.

Sometimes it happens that inspiration comes during the process. The main thing is to get started, you can start just doodling on a sheet of paper and look at new images in it. Perhaps it's this process that will lead you to create that very work of art.

Of course you can also try to create without inspiration, but it will be much more difficult. Inspiration is not a prerequisite for creativity, but it does make it more interesting and colourful. So try to keep your creative flame alive and don't be afraid to experiment!