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An artist encrypted $10,000 In his paintings of Lego The art | Sheidlina Art&NFT

An artist encrypted $10,000
In his paintings of Lego

The artist Andy Bauch presented a collection of pictures which feature visualization of cryptocurrency wallet codes totaling $10,000 in pictures of their Lego. Anyone who solves the puzzle can gain access to bitcoins. Each picture is a multicolored 38cm by 38cm mosaic built from LEGO construction blocks.

Each cryptocurrency wallet is encrypted with a complex key consisting of a long combination of letters and numbers. The artist applied an algorithm to these keys to generate patterns, and then made edits to make the resulting picture to his liking. Finally, the creator tested each piece, making sure that by cracking the code, it was indeed possible to gain access to the wallet.

"My work is an attempt to bridge the gap that often exists between new technology and humanity," Andy Bauch said.

Although the works are for sale, any visitor who manages to crack the encrypted code in the paintings will be able to transfer cryptocurrency to their wallet.