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What is CC0 and why Is it important to your NFTs? Ever since | Sheidlina Art&NFT

What is CC0 and why
Is it important to your NFTs?

Ever since the emergence of NFT as a digital asset, there has been some debate as to whether it can really be owned. And what was the point of such a picture if I could screencap it? 

And it seemed that the fact that the owner of the NFT had ownership of it along with it was what made NFT different from an ordinary picture from the Internet. But then at some point, CC0 licensing came into the realm of NFT, which simply removed the copyright on the collection, and now every element of it was freely available.

So what exactly is CC0 actually is?

CC0 NFT is Creative Commons Zero NFT, in which the intellectual property rights to a work with digital content have been transferred. Anyone can use the CC0 NFT without any legal consequences.

Nonetheless, protecting intellectual property was a design principle of NFT when they were launched. However, the movement of CC0 NFT is like a tsunami. And according to this model, authors can give up copyright on their work, allowing others to use it freely to create new digital artwork, a product or brand based on it.

Free use gives a good perspective to the development of NFT in popular culture. Derivative NFT collections, for example, can draw attention to the original collection. And there can be many such examples.

But this has a downside. Excessive leeway can lead to both bad consequences and serious risks. Imagine that one of the images of your collection becomes the logo of various bad groups, or that now absolutely anyone can twist the idea of your work and present it in a bad light. What irreparable damage that does.

Generally speaking, the coming of CC0 was bound to happen sooner or later. Everyone perceives this idea differently. Some don't agree, and some are interested and try to promote it.
