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What SharkRace ecosystem is about? We congratulate all newcom | SharkRace Announcements | sharkrace.com

What SharkRace ecosystem is about?

We congratulate all newcomers and are happy to share some highlights about our project

NFT King Shark
It is the basis of our NFT Metaverse. It rules over kingdoms and it's holder will receive a life-long passive income from the games. King Sharks are the world's first customizable NFT, they can be upgraded in rarity score. The higher is the rarity - the higher is the revenue.

Our project has 2 games:
Shark Races - try beta
Shark Battle - play free game challenge


King Shark NFT - premium collectible NFT (BEP-721), comes with other assets

Gamer’s Shark - NFT Meta Sharks (BEP-721) to play the games

SharkCoin - governance project token built on BSC with 3 staking options

MarketPlace - trading platform for all assets (built on BSC)

Here you can pre-register for the sale

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