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Official Token Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x02de007d4 | SAWA_CRYPTO_OFFICIAL(CIS)

Official Token Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x02de007d412266a2e0fa9287c103474170f06560
The token exist on ETHEREUM as an ERC20 with a capped supply of 200 000 000 (two hundred millions).
The EXD token is now deployed and 0x02dE007D412266a2e0Fa9287C103474170F06560 is its official address.
You can add it to your metamask and trust only this ERC20. This token will then be placed in various Vesting Wallets, soon and also the Token Sale contract.

Contract code is verified: https://etherscan.io/address/0x02de007d412266a2e0fa9287c103474170f06560#code and has some style as well
Logo/data/socials/audit are sent to the Etherscan team for update.