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BIOM is ready to be tested, all tokens and progress for tester | NEURO CRYPTO | Нейрокрипто

BIOM is ready to be tested, all tokens and progress for testers will be saved

You should have Animals Red List NFT

1. This is the ALPHA version
2. We already have about 20 updates ready, but we will roll them out gradually to see bugs and user behavior
3. Texts and pictures will also be changed in the process
4. Ignore spelling and punctuation
5. Do not look for logic, many things are laid down taking into account future functionality
5. BIOM 100% will be a token

Games with TON or USDT give more BIOM
HP is not a constant variable and depends on the opposing classes
The impact force depends on the point of impact and has some spread

ENG version soon

Next update 31.03

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