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Ultima is an emerging ecosystem of technological products base | 🚀PLC Ultima NS team

Ultima is an emerging ecosystem of technological products based on a flexible and fast Smart Blockchain

Friends, today is a historic day for our whole team and community: we have entered a new era of ecosystem development — Ultima.

Now Ultima is an advanced infrastructure of products and crypto tools, allowing each member of our more than 2 million community to grow, develop, and learn new skills on a continuous basis!

Ultima's technical team continues to do a tremendous amount of work on a dozen blockchain and crypto products in the Ultima ecosystem:

crypto debit Ultima Card,
marketplace Ultima Store,
UltimaDeal ad platform,
decentralized crypto exchange UltimEx,
travel platform Ultima Travel Club,
crowdfunding platforms Charity Crowdfunding and StartUp Crowdfunding,
multifunctional Smart Wallet
and finally, the Farming Ultima token!