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Why should you be excited for SWAP in PancakeSwap v3 25x l | Pancakeswap Gems Squad🥞

Why should you be excited for SWAP in PancakeSwap v3

25x lower trading fee than v2 with new fee tiers
Improved Smart Router knows how to bring the perfect deal for traders

See how

- v3 brings four different trading fee tiers (0.01%, 0.05%, 0.25%, and 1%), which is up to 25x lower than V2, LPs can provide liquidity for a trading pair with either a 0.25% or 0.05% trading fee rate. When you Swap, the v3 Smart Router brings an overall improvement to utilize all possible liquidity in the protocol.

- The new Smart Router intelligently finds the best trading route by utilizing liquidity from PancakeSwap v3, v2, StableSwap and will also utilize liquidity provided by the Market Maker integration to provide the best deal for traders.

- What’s more! Users can now have the flexibility to customize or disable certain liquidity sources if they do not want a trade to route through them.

- Visit the doc for more