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Exciting news! Enjinstarter MENA has received initial approval | BNB CENTRAL |NIAB CRYPTO| ™

Exciting news! Enjinstarter MENA has received initial approval from Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) while we work on our licence application. As we aim to become the premier launchpad and incubator for Web3 metaverse, gaming, and entertainment experiences in the Middle East and North Africa.

With ambitious plans to be the go-to provider for Web3 adoption in the region, Enjinstarter MENA is committed to achieving the highest standards of accountability and transparency in the Web3 space.

Enjinstarter has already signed key partnerships with MENA-focused ecosystems and hosted sustainability and climate impact roundtables since its inception.

Stay tuned for more updates on Enjinstarter MENA's innovative Web3 projects!

READ MORE: Web3 launchpad Enjinstarter MENA granted Initial Approval by the Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority