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BIG CAT'S WEEK: MALAYAN TIGER Good evening to all holders, | TON NFT | Animals Red List ENG


Good evening to all holders, as well as animal lovers!

The cat we are about to discuss today is a proud and strong predator, one of the most dangerous members of the feline family... Or no? Our guest is the smallest subspecies of the tiger, and lives in the south of the Malacca Peninsula. Meet the Malayan tiger.


Name: ARL Panthera Tigris SSP Jacksoni
Tier: 1
SubTier: Mythical
Class: Mammals


The International Union for Conservation of Nature has placed the Malayan tiger in the category of "critically endangered" species. According to their data, there are now less than 250 mature individuals of the Malay tiger. One reason is the loss of its traditional habitat. The Malayan tiger can be found only in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, where there is not enough forest habitat to support more than 50 mature tigers.

The second reason of the tiger population decrease is, of course, poaching. Teeth, claws, skin and meat of tigers are in high demand on the black market. Between 2000 and 2013, body parts of at least 94 tigers were confiscated. Unfortunately, in the twenty-first century many people are still convinced that tiger bones have medicinal properties.


- The body length of an adult male tiger is about 230 cm. Females, as usual, are slightly smaller. The weight of the animal can reach 120 kilograms;

- After the tiger gains the primacy among males, he tries to win over the females. This is not an easy task, as she will start to slap him, growl, and drive him away in various ways! The male, on the other hand, has to endure and wait for his beloved's good mood;

- In spite of its low population, the Malay tiger is considered a strong and clever predator. Thus, the coat of arms of Malaysia depicts this animal exactly, which has become a real symbol of the state!

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