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New airdrop: Duingcoin (DUC) Reward: 155 DUC ($5) Rate: | New AirDrop

New airdrop: Duingcoin (DUC)
Reward: 155 DUC ($5)
Remarks: Listing on
Foblgate Exchange
Focus: Distributed on December 8

Bot Airdrop Link
: airdrop page

Join Duingcoin on Telegram group.
Join Duingcoin on Telegram channel.
Submit your Eth address and details.
Get 5 DUC tokens for each referral.
1,500 lucky people will be rewarded.

Note: DUC tokens will be listed on the Foblgate Exchange and only 1,500 lucky people will be rewarded for this airdrop.

Done Done Done Done

Additional Information:
Dewing is a cloud-based mobile platform that easily delivers high-end, cost-effective mobile capabilities to end users and B2B customers at various levels. DUING is a "server-based mobile virtualization" service, not a traditional "mobile device area virtualization" approach.