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Пройди QUIZ 1inch на COINMARKETCAP и получи 5$ в токенах 1inch | SТ - Airdrops (Раздачи, IDO)

Пройди QUIZ 1inch на COINMARKETCAP и получи 5$ в токенах 1inch.


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Ответы на QUIZ 1inch:
To start using the 1inch dApp you have to:
Ответ: Connect your crypto wallet.

What asset should be in your wallet to begin swapping tokens via 1inch?
Ответ: Just some eth

What does the name of the 1inch gas token – “Chi” – initially mean?
Ответ: Mysterious energy used in martial arts

What is the Latin name of the Unicorn constellation?
Ответ: Monoceros

What is the role of 1inch’s Pathfinder algorithm?
Ответ: Finds the best routes to swap DeFi assets

To participate in the 1inch Network’s governance process you have to:
Ответ: Stake 1INCH tokens

How many blockchains are currently connected to the 1inch Aggregation Protocol?
Ответ: 3