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Dear our beloved DragonSB-ers, Today's the day! $SB Listing | Криптокрип Сайлер

Dear our beloved DragonSB-ers,

Today's the day!
$SB Listing time is closer than you think!

Here is our official Timeline for today's listing schedule - 15/03/2022

Gate 2 P.M UTC
PancakeSwap 2:01 PM UTC
Terraformer 2:01 PM UTC

Token claiming & staking schedule
Public Sale claim 2:02 PM UTC
Private Sale Claim 2:30 PM UTC
Staking start on Terraformer 2:30 PM UTC

Set your alarm now and wait for the launching time!

More details about the project:

Website | Telegram Channel | Telegram Group | Facebook |Discord | Twitter | Linkedin | Reddit | Medium | Youtube | Gitbook | Audit

Official DragonSB Communities:

SB VietNam | SB China | SB Indonesia | SB Korea | SB India | SB Philippines | SB Brazil | SB Arab | SB Thailand | SB Japan | Poland | Russia | Turkey