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Держите Квиз от CoinMarketcap Будет около 5000 победителе | 💸MONEY GANG💸

Держите Квиз от CoinMarketcap

Будет около 5000 победителей, где каждый получит по ~13,9 SXP

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Ответы на Квиз:

1. Solar's governance is set up as:
Answer: A fully decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)
2. What innovations will Solar support within its ecosystem?
Answer: All of the above
3. How are node operators chosen?
Answer: Based on votes by coin holders
4. What is the native coin of the Solar network?
Answer: SXP
5. What happens to transaction fees?
Answer: 90% of fees are burned. The remaining 10% is earned by node operators
6. How does Solar help to ensure a sustainable blockchain future?
Answer: Solar uses a highly energy-efficient consensus mechanism for its own blockchain and native coin.
7. Solar's platform is
Answer: Open source on Github
8. What is a delegate?
Answer: A node operator, who secures the network by validating transactions and minting new blocks.