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PETTON OSWALT ON THE Eternals Sequel Speaking to ComicBook, P | KNNdustrii


Speaking to ComicBook, Patton Oswalt responded to rumors about a sequel to The Eternals by saying that he hadn't heard anything about it. At the same time, the actor expressed his own admiration for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sequel, saying that it would be very "surprising" if the continuation followed the adventures of the troll Pip and Starfox.

Oswalt also named other MCU films,
giving him inspiration. He mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. Read his full comment below:

“I haven't heard any rumors. But it would be surprising if the sequel was about Starfox and Pip, because it just seems to me that every time Marvel throws dice on minor characters,
it turns out very well. Thanks to this, new heroes flourish. For example, Guardians of the Galaxy. I don't know if you've seen the new Ms. Marvel show, but it's a real masterpiece. I mean it's very cool. I'm also a big fan of the Ant-Man movies. I think they're fantastic and very underrated from Marvel's