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​​Emmy Rossum was devastated by not getting a role in the Fant | KNNdustrii

​​Emmy Rossum was devastated by not getting a role in the Fantastic Four

Emmy Rossum, well known for Shameless, said she was "devastated" to find out she didn't get the Fantastic Four role. Recall that Rossum is a popular actress, singer, director and producer. She has been in business since childhood. Back in 2004, she played the role of Christine Daae in the film The Phantom of the Opera,
for which she received her Golden Globe nomination at the age of 18.

During her recent interview with Joshua Horowitz on his Happy Sad Confused podcast, the actress discussed auditioning for the role of Sue Storm in the 2015 Fantastic Four. She explained that she did not get the role that went to actress Kate Mara,
because she didn't quite connect with the character or her dialogue. And although now Rossum talks about it with joy, she describes her not the most pleasant feelings when she found out that she did not get the role:

“I was shocked. Completely devastated. I even remember where I was when I didn't get the role. I was with my husband somewhere on the beach,
and I got a call from agents to break the news. I was almost certain that I didn’t understand the reasons because I didn’t feel that the screen test was a failure ... It’s like a terrible devastation, because I kind of wanted to get this role, even though I’m not the greatest actress.