Получи случайную криптовалюту за регистрацию!

Friends, we have almost completed the API recruitment, because | Indicator by Cryptonec

Friends, we have almost completed the API recruitment, because we have collected a sufficient amount of liquidity

We allocate the last $ 20,000, after which, after which access will be closed and you will not be able to earn passively! For those who do not have a Balance but they want to earn, we have come up with this referral system.

If your deposit is less than the minimum required to connect the API, you will still be able to earn with us — using our referral system! (don't forget to specify the referral code when connecting)

You will receive 5% of the profit from the user you have brought (not from his income, but from ours. The user will receive his 50% of the profit)

The rest can still turn the exchange into a source of passive income, all the information is described here: https://telegra.ph/API-Bot-QA-09-27

For all questions: @Cryptonec_Clark